
Plain C (ANSI-C) programs

In this section a set of the plain C programs I have written over the years can be found. Though I by now almost entirely have converted to CWEB (which still employs plain C for the actual implementation of the code), I still very much enjoy the compactness that can be achieved with plain C.

Topological mapping of trajectories of Stokes parameters on the Poincaré sphere

Datorprogrammet Poincare avbildar Stokes-parametrarna för polarisations-tillståndet hos elektromagnetiska fält som trajektorior på Poincare-sfären. Programmet Poincare gerererar MetaPost-kod som output, vilken kan kompileras till PostScript eller Encapsulated PostScript genom att använda John Hobbys MetaPost-kompilator eller något annat program som kan läsa kod i MetaPost-syntax. Jag skrev koden för det ursprungliga programmet Poincare 1997, och har sedan dess kontinuerligt uppdaterat och modifierat det, vilket gör det till det äldsta program som jag aktivt hållit vid liv i min samling. Detta program användes för att skapa den bild som återfinns som förstasida på J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. (Volume 2, Issue 4, July 2000).

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Multiline LCD display driver for the Microchip PIC32 family of microcontrollers

Multiline LCD display driver for the Microchip PIC32 family of microcontrollers
This driver provides support for terminal output to the Electronic Assembly DOG-M family of LCD displays, interfacing microcontrollers of the Microchip PIC32 family. The driver supports full ASCII functionality such as carriage return, backspace commands, line wrapping and arbitrary positioning of character output within the display, employing the Parallel Master Port (PMP) of the PIC32.

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Creating a PIC32 project from scratch using the Microchip MPLAB IDE

This document summarizes the steps when creating a new project for the Microchip PIC32 family of microcontrollers, using the MPLAB® IDE. The document summarizes all settings and configurations needed to get a stable project release up and running. The specific example illustrated in this checklist is the driver for the DOGM-163 LCD display, included in the shared library libdogm16x.a.

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Extraction of bounding box coordinates of Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) images

A program for the extraction of bounding box coordinates of Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) images. This is a home-made successor of the epsbb program which in many older UNIX systems was included in the standard distribution, but evidently not in more recent variants such as Free BSD and Mac OS X.

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