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Contents of file 'dvlabel/dvlabel.tex':

    1   \input cwebmac
    2   % File:        dvlabel.w [CWEB source code]
    3   % Created:     December 5, 2003
    4   % Last change: August 10, 2005
    5   % Author:      Fredrik Jonsson
    6   % Description: CWEB source code for the DVLABEL program, which generates
    7   %              TeX source code for typesetting of labels for digital video
    8   %              tapes (DV format, typically used for hand-held video camera
    9   %              recorders). The program is primarily designed to run in
   10   %              interactive mode, but via command-line parameters it also
   11   %              supports batch-mode operation.
   12   %                 A feature of the program is also that it is able to compile
   13   %              the generated TeX source code into PostScript, using the DVIPS
   14   %              program. (The DVIPS program is copyrighted by Radical Eye
   15   %              Software, but is typically included in most TeX distributions
   16   %              under UNIX, Linux, and Microsoft Windows; see the site
   17   %     for further information).
   18   %                 For information on the CWEB programming language, see
   19   %    
   20   % Compilation: Compile this program by using the enclosed Makefile, or use
   21   %              the blocks of the Makefile as listed in section five of the
   22   %              documentation (file or dvlabel.pdf). The C source
   23   %              code (as generated from this CWEB code) conforms to the ANSI
   24   %              standard for the C programming language (which is equivalent
   25   %              to the ISO C89 standard for C).
   26   %
   27   % Copyright (C) 2003-2004, Fredrik Jonsson
   28   %
   29   \input epsf
   30   \def\version{1.6}
   31   \def\lastrevdate{August 10, 2005}
   32   \font\eightcmr=cmr8
   33   \font\tensc=cmcsc10
   34   \font\eightcmssq=cmssq8
   35   \font\eightcmssqi=cmssqi8
   36   \font\twentycmcsc=cmcsc10 at 20 truept
   37   \def\dvlabel{{\eightcmr DVLABEL\spacefactor1000}}
   38   \def\poincare{{\eightcmr POINCARE\spacefactor1000}}
   39   \def\magbragg{{\eightcmr MAGBRAGG\spacefactor1000}}
   40   \def\CEE{{\eightcmr C\spacefactor1000}}     % The C programming language
   41   \def\CWEB{{\eightcmr CWEB\spacefactor1000}} % The CWEB programming language
   42   \def\DVIPS{{\eightcmr DVIPS\spacefactor1000}} % The DVIPS program
   43   %
   44   % Define a handy macro for the list of program revisions.
   45   %
   46   \newdimen\citemindent \citemindent=80pt
   47   \newdimen\citemleftskip \citemleftskip=90pt
   48   \def\citem[#1]{\smallbreak\noindent\hbox to 10pt{}%
   49     \hbox to\citemindent{\bf #1\hfill}%
   50     \hangindent\citemleftskip\ignorespaces}
   52   \datethis
   55   \N{1}{1}Introduction.
   56   \vskip 120pt
   57   \centerline{\twentycmcsc Dvlabel}
   58   \vskip 20pt
   59   \centerline{Creates TeX source code for typesetting labels for digital
   60   video tapes}
   61   \vskip 2pt
   62   \centerline{(Version \version\ of \lastrevdate)}
   63   \vskip 10pt
   64   \centerline{Written by Fredrik Jonsson}
   65   \vskip 80pt
   66   \noindent
   67   This \CWEB\footnote{${}^\dagger$}{For information on the \CWEB\ programming
   68   language by Donald E.~Knuth, as well as samples of \CWEB\ programs, see
   69   {\tt\~\ \kern -5pt knuth/cweb.html}.
   70   For general information on literate programming, see
   71   {\tt}.}
   72   program generates \TeX\ source code for typesetting of labels for digital
   73   video tapes (DV format, typically used for hand-held video camera recorders).
   75   Most people have not heard of the \TeX\ system for typesetting mathematical
   76   text, and if they have, they will most probably not use the system for
   77   creating things like labels for video tapes.
   78   However, the output generated by \TeX\ is in many cases absolutely superior
   79   in balance and visual clarity, and in order to benefit from the compactness
   80   and beauty of text processed by \TeX\ even for such basic things as labels
   81   for video tapes, this program generates the necessary \TeX\ code and even
   82   compiles it into printable PostScript.
   84   The program is primarily designed to run in interactive mode, but via
   85   command-line parameters it also supports batch-mode operation.
   86   A feature of the program is also that it is able to compile
   87   the generated TeX source code into PostScript, using the
   88   \DVIPS\ program.\footnote{$\ddagger$}{The \DVIPS\ program is copyrighted
   89   by Radical Eye Software, but is typically included in most \TeX\ distributions
   90   under UNIX, Linux, and Microsoft Windows; see the site
   91   {\tt} for further information.}
   92   \bigskip
   93   \noindent Copyright \copyright\ Fredrik Jonsson, 2003--2005.
   94   All rights reserved.
   95   \vfill
   97   \fi
   99   \N{1}{2}Revision history of the program.
  100   \medskip
  102   \citem[2003-12-28]{[v.1.0]} {\tt <>}\hfill\break
  103   First properly working version of the \dvlabel\ program.
  104   I got the idea of creating this program from the {\tt} PostScript
  105   code by Jamie Zawinski. This code is a splendid example of how one can
  106   write a simple PostScript program with the help of a regular ASCII editor,
  107   and by sending the PostScript program to the printer, one gets a neat
  108   printout to be used for tape cassette labels, DAT, or video tapes.
  109   However, whenever one has a new cassette to be labeled, one has to edit
  110   the PostScript source, and for a rookie on PostScript programming this
  111   task is somewhat inconvenient.
  112   Therefore, I decided to create something similar, but with a standalone program
  113   that could be operated either in interactive mode, with the program asking
  114   for the specific information to be entered in the label, or in batch mode.
  115   However, instead of directly generating PostScript, I decided to go for a
  116   language that I know somewhat more in detail, namely plain \TeX, which also
  117   has the benefit of being a language which the author, Donald E.~Knuth, has
  118   decided to keep fixed in order to ensure future compatibility.
  120   \citem[2003-12-29]{[v.1.1]} {\tt <>}\hfill\break
  121   Revised the leading blocks (definitions) of the generator of the \TeX-code,
  122   in order to have a more clearly structure of the labels. Included the
  123   {\tt {\char'134}boxit} example from the \TeX-book to have the face, flap, and
  124   spine
  125   of the labels neatly structured.
  126   Also finished the parsing engine for the address and table of contents
  127   fields.
  129   \citem[2004-11-26]{[v.1.2]} {\tt <>}\hfill\break
  130   Added support for supplying \DVIPS\ options via the command line when
  131   invoking \dvlabel. In order to parse for an arbitrary number of \DVIPS\ options
  132   at the command line, it is important to enclose the list of \DVIPS\ options
  133   by quotes, hence forcing the \dvlabel\ program to parse the set of options as
  134   one single string of characters. (The quotes are only necessary if the number
  135   of \DVIPS\ options are two or more.)
  136   Hence, for example, to force \DVIPS\ to generate output pages of US letter
  137   format and at a resolution of 720 dpi one could invoke \dvlabel\ with
  138   {\tt dvlabel --dvipsopts "-tletter -D720" ...}
  139   Also slightly changed the way the input filename is used; now one can specify
  140   only the basic filename, to which the \dvlabel\ program now automatically
  141   appends the suffix {\tt .dvl}, if necessary.
  142   Finally restructured the blocks related to scanning and saving code for
  143   individual DV labels, in order to have the structure ready for making
  144   the program generally capable of scanning one single file containing
  145   an arbitrary number of labels, as for instance if one would keep all
  146   records in one single text file.
  148   \citem[2004-11-27]{[v.1.3]} {\tt <>}\hfill\break
  149   The \dvlabel\ program now parses multiple label records from the same input
  150   file. Also added the useful feature of crop marks in the generated \TeX\ output
  151   of the program. In its current state, the program only generates labels in one
  152   single horizontal column; this is something that I in the future versions will
  153   change into a $[3\times3]$ array of labels, as soon as I get the {\tt\\vbox}
  154   and {\tt\\hbox} statements of the {\tt\\boxit} definition right.
  156   \citem[2004-12-28]{[v.1.4]} {\tt <>}\hfill\break
  157   Added the {\tt --headline} and {\tt --linethick} options. Fixed a bug in
  158   the page output, which previously caused \TeX\ to complain about vertical
  159   underfill of the generated pages.
  161   \citem[2005-01-01]{[v.1.5]} {\tt <>}\hfill\break
  162   Added the {\tt --cropmark} and {\tt --edgeseparation} options. Also fixed a bug
  163   in the vertical label dimensions. Added the \PB{\\{log}(\,)} way of displaying
  164   log and
  165   error messages.
  167   \citem[2005-08-10]{[v.1.6]} {\tt <>}\hfill\break
  168   Back in Southampton with my family after a hot summer. Wrote the code for
  169   the \PB{\\{strip\_away\_path}(\,)} routine originally for the \poincare\
  170   program and
  171   immediately decided to adopt the code also into the \dvlabel\ and \magbragg\
  172   programs in order to finally solve the problem with long path strings that
  173   appear in the program name string whenever poincare is called with an explicit
  174   path specified at the command line. The call to the \PB{\\{strip\_away\_path}(%
  175   \,)} routine
  176   is located in the beginning of the block for command line parsing.
  178   \fi
  180   \N{1}{3}Compiling the source code. The program is written in \CWEB, generating
  181   ANSI-C conforming source code and documentation as \TeX-source, and is to
  182   be compiled using the enclosed Makefile, leaving an executable
  183   file {\tt dvlabel}\footnote{$\dagger$}{On platforms running Windows NT,
  184   Windows 2000, or any other operating system by Microsoft, the executable
  185   file will instead automatically be called {\tt dvlabel.exe}.} and a
  186   PostScript file {\tt} (the document you currently are reading),
  187   which contains the full documentation of the program:
  188   \bigskip
  189   {\obeyspaces\obeylines\tt
  190   ~   \#
  191   ~   \# Makefile designed for use with ctangle, cweave, gcc, and plain TeX.
  192   ~   \#
  193   ~   \# Copyright (C) 2003, Fredrik Jonsson <>
  194   ~   \#
  195   ~   CTANGLE  = ctangle
  196   ~   CC       = gcc
  197   ~   CCOPTS   = -O2 -Wall -ansi -pedantic \# follow ISO C89 (ANSI) strictly
  198   ~   LNOPTS   = -lm
  199   ~   CWEAVE   = cweave
  200   ~   TEX      = tex
  201   ~   DVIPS    = dvips
  202   ~   DVIPSOPT = -ta4 -D1200
  203   ~   ~
  204   ~   all: dvlabel.exe
  205   ~   ~
  206   ~   dvlabel.exe: dvlabel.o \# generate the executable file
  207   ~           \$(CC) \$(CCOPTS) -o dvlabel dvlabel.o \$(LNOPTS)
  208   ~   ~
  209   ~   dvlabel.o: dvlabel.c \# generate the object file
  210   ~           \$(CC) \$(CCOPTS) -c dvlabel.c
  211   ~   ~
  212   ~   dvlabel.c: dvlabel.w \# generate C code from the CWEB source
  213   ~           \$(CTANGLE) dvlabel
  214   ~   ~
  215   ~ dvlabel.dvi \# generate the PostScript documentation
  216   ~           \$(DVIPS) \$(DVIPSOPT) dvlabel.dvi -o
  217   ~   ~
  218   ~   dvlabel.dvi: dvlabel.tex \# generate the device-independent documentation
  219   ~           \$(TEX) dvlabel.tex
  220   ~   ~
  221   ~   dvlabel.tex: dvlabel.w \# generate plain TeX code from the CWEB source
  222   ~           \$(CWEAVE) dvlabel
  223   ~   ~
  224   ~   clean:
  225   ~   ~       -rm -Rf *.c *.o *.exe
  226   ~   ~       -rm -Rf *.tex *.aux *.log *.toc *.idx *.scn *.dvi}
  227   \bigskip
  229   \fi
  231   \N{1}{4}Running the program. The program is entirely controlled by the command
  232   line options supplied when invoking the program.
  233   To start the program in interactive mode, simply run {\tt dvlabel} from
  234   the command line, without any command line options.
  235   \medskip
  236   \noindent{\bf Example I:} In the following excerpt
  237   from an interactive terminal session, where a leading asterisk ({\tt *})
  238   in a line indicates the user-supplied input to the program, a DV label is
  239   generated as Encapsulated PostScript, stored in a file named {\tt fig.eps}.
  240   \bigskip
  241   {\obeyspaces\obeylines\tt
  242   ~   ~[dvlabel> dvlabel -c -e -o fig
  243   ~   ~This is dvlabel, Version 1.4
  244   ~   ~Specify table of contents of the DV tape
  245   ~   ~[Enter text and finish with single dot on blank line]:
  246   ~   ~* Table of contents
  247   ~   ~* This is line number one
  248   ~   ~* This is line number two
  249   ~   ~* This is line number three
  250   ~   ~* .
  251   ~   ~Specify time stamp of DV tape. This is typically
  252   ~   ~the last date that appears as time stamp in the
  253   ~   ~recorded tape. [Press enter to use the current date]
  254   ~   ~* Monday 29/12/2003
  255   ~   ~Specify title of the DV tape [Press enter to leave blank title]:
  256   ~   ~* Beavis and Butthead
  257   ~   ~Specify author of the DV tape [Press enter to leave blank]:
  258   ~   ~* Fredrik Jonsson
  259   ~   ~Specify address of author of the DV tape
  260   ~   ~[Enter text and finish with single dot on blank line]:
  261   ~   ~* Storgatan 77
  262   ~   ~* SE-47111 Sunne, Sweden
  263   ~   ~* .
  264   ~   ~Specify email of author of the DV tape [Press enter to leave blank]:
  265   ~   ~*
  266   }
  267   \bigskip
  268   The generated DV label {\tt fig.eps} looks like this:
  269   \bigskip
  270   \centerline{\epsfxsize=62.56mm\epsfbox{fig.eps}}
  271   \vfill\eject
  272   \noindent
  273   In this example, the {\tt -c} command line option specifies that the program
  274   should compile the generated \TeX\ code, {\tt -e} that it also should attempt
  275   to generate the output as Encapsulated PostScript, and {\tt -o fig}
  276   that the generated files all should have the base name ``{\tt fig}'',
  277   that is to say, the program will use {\tt fig.tex} for the
  278   generated \TeX-code, {\tt fig.dvi}
  279   for the generated device-independent (DVI) output, and {\tt fig.eps} for
  280   the generated Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) image of the DV label.
  281   The command for invoking the \dvlabel\ program can equivalently be written in
  282   a more extensive form as {\tt dvlabel --compile --eps --outputfile fig}.
  284   The \TeX-code that the program generates (from which the Encapsulated
  285   PostScript subsequently is generated) is stored in the file {\tt fig.tex},
  286   which contains
  287   \bigskip
  288   {\obeylines\obeyspaces\tt
  289   ~   ~\% File: fig.tex
  290   ~   ~\% TeX code automatically generated by dvlabel, v.1.4,
  291   ~   ~\% Mon Dec 29 15:46:36 2003
  292   ~   ~\% Copyright (C) Fredrik Jonsson, 2003
  293   ~   ~\%
  294   ~   ~{\char'134}font{\char'134}eightcmssqeight=cmssq8
  295   ~   ~{\char'134}font{\char'134}tencmssqten=cmssq8 at 10 truept
  296   ~   ~{\char'134}font{\char'134}defaultfacefont=cmtt8
  297   ~   ~{\char'134}font{\char'134}defaultflapfont=cmtt8
  298   ~   ~{\char'134}def{\char'134}monthname{{\char'134}ifcase{\char'134}month\%
  299   ~   ~ {\char'134}or Jan{\char'134}or Feb{\char'134}or Mar{\char'134}or
  300   Apr{\char'134}or May{\char'134}or Jun\%
  301   ~   ~ {\char'134}or Jul{\char'134}or Aug{\char'134}or Sep{\char'134}or
  302   Oct{\char'134}or Nov{\char'134}or Dec\%
  303   ~   ~ {\char'134}fi}
  304   ~   ~{\char'134}def{\char'134}fullmonthname{{\char'134}ifcase{\char'134}month\%
  305   ~   ~ {\char'134}or January{\char'134}or February{\char'134}or
  306   March{\char'134}or April\%
  307   ~   ~ {\char'134}or May{\char'134}or June{\char'134}or July{\char'134}or
  308   August{\char'134}or September
  309   ~   ~ {\char'134}or October{\char'134}or November{\char'134}or
  310   December{\char'134}fi}
  311   ~   ~{\char'134}def{\char'134}today{{\char'134}fullmonthname{\char'134}space%
  312   {\char'134}number{\char'134}day,\%
  313   ~   ~  {\char'134}space{\char'134}number{\char'134}year}
  314   ~   ~{\char'134}def{\char'134}timestamp{Monday 29/12/2003}
  315   ~   ~{\char'134}def{\char'134}title{Beavis and Butthead}
  316   ~   ~{\char'134}def{\char'134}author{Fredrik Jonsson}
  317   ~   ~{\char'134}def{\char'134}email{}
  318   ~   ~{\char'134}nopagenumbers
  319   ~   ~{\char'134}newdimen{\char'134}facewidth
  320   ~   ~{\char'134}newdimen{\char'134}faceheight
  321   ~   ~{\char'134}newdimen{\char'134}spineheight
  322   ~   ~{\char'134}newdimen{\char'134}flapheight
  323   ~   ~{\char'134}newdimen{\char'134}edgeseparation
  324   ~   ~{\char'134}facewidth=60mm
  325   ~   ~{\char'134}faceheight=40mm
  326   ~   ~{\char'134}spineheight=12mm
  327   ~   ~{\char'134}flapheight=20mm
  328   ~   ~{\char'134}edgeseparation=1pt
  329   ~   ~{\char'134}def{\char'134}boxit\#1{{\char'134}vbox{{\char'134}hrule%
  330   {\char'134}hbox{\%
  331   ~   ~  {\char'134}vrule{\char'134}kern1pt{\char'134}vbox{{\char'134}kern1pt\#1%
  332   {\char'134}kern1pt}\%
  333   ~   ~{\char'134}kern1pt{\char'134}vrule}{\char'134}hrule}}
  334   ~   ~{\char'134}parindent 0pt
  335   }
  336   \vfill\eject
  337   {\obeylines\obeyspaces\tt
  338   ~   ~
  339   ~   ~\% Define the outline of the face of the label
  340   ~   ~{\char'134}setbox1={\char'134}hbox to {\char'134}facewidth{{\%
  341   ~   ~  {\char'134}vbox to {\char'134}faceheight{\%
  342   ~   ~    {\char'134}hbox{{\char'134}defaultfacefont{\char'134}timestamp%
  343   {\char'134}hfil}\%
  344   ~   ~    {\char'134}vskip -3pt{\char'134}hbox{{\char'134}defaultfacefont
  345   Table of contents{\char'134}hfil}\%
  346   ~   ~    {\char'134}vskip -3pt{\char'134}hbox{{\char'134}defaultfacefont
  347   This is line number one{\char'134}hfil}\%
  348   ~   ~    {\char'134}vskip -3pt{\char'134}hbox{{\char'134}defaultfacefont
  349   This is line number two{\char'134}hfil}\%
  350   ~   ~    {\char'134}vskip -3pt{\char'134}hbox{{\char'134}defaultfacefont
  351   This is line number three{\char'134}hfil}\%
  352   ~   ~  {\char'134}vfil}}{\char'134}hfil}
  353   ~   ~
  354   ~   ~\% Define the outline of the spine of the label
  355   ~   ~{\char'134}setbox2={\char'134}hbox to {\char'134}facewidth{{\%
  356   ~   ~  {\char'134}vbox to {\char'134}spineheight{\%
  357   ~   ~    {\char'134}hbox{{\char'134}bf{\char'134}timestamp{\char'134}hfil}\%
  358   ~   ~    {\char'134}hbox{{\char'134}bf{\char'134}title{\char'134}hfil}\%
  359   ~   ~  {\char'134}vfil}}{\char'134}hfil}
  360   ~   ~
  361   ~   ~\% Define the outline of the flap of the label
  362   ~   ~{\char'134}setbox3={\char'134}hbox to {\char'134}facewidth{{\%
  363   ~   ~  {\char'134}vbox to {\char'134}flapheight{\%
  364   ~   ~    {\char'134}hbox{{\char'134}defaultflapfont Digital Video by
  365   {\char'134}author{\char'134}hfil}\%
  366   ~   ~    {\char'134}vskip -3pt{\char'134}hbox{{\char'134}defaultflapfont
  367   Storgatan 77{\char'134}hfil}\%
  368   ~   ~    {\char'134}vskip -3pt{\char'134}hbox{{\char'134}defaultflapfont
  369   SE-47111 Sunne, Sweden{\char'134}hfil}\%
  370   ~   ~    {\char'134}vskip -3pt{\char'134}hbox{{\char'134}defaultflapfont \%
  371   ~   ~      <{\char'134}email>{\char'134}hfil}\%
  372   ~   ~  {\char'134}vfil}}{\char'134}hfil}
  373   ~   ~
  374   ~   ~{\char'134}def{\char'134}dvlabel{{\char'134}boxit{{\char'134}boxit%
  375   {{\char'134}box1}\%
  376   ~   ~  {\char'134}vskip{\char'134}edgeseparation{\char'134}boxit%
  377   {{\char'134}box2}\%
  378   ~   ~  {\char'134}vskip{\char'134}edgeseparation{\char'134}%
  379   boxit{{\char'134}box3}}}
  380   ~   ~
  381   ~   ~{\char'134}dvlabel
  382   ~   ~
  383   ~   ~{\char'134}bye
  384   }
  385   \vfill\eject
  386   \noindent{\bf Example II:}
  387   Another way of using the program is in batch mode, where the input instead
  388   is read from a text file.
  389   In the following example, the file named {\tt fig.asc} contains the
  390   following text (compare with the interactive session on the previous pages):
  391   \bigskip
  392   {\obeyspaces\obeylines\tt
  393   ~   ~Table of contents
  394   ~   ~This is line number one
  395   ~   ~This is line number two
  396   ~   ~This is line number three
  397   ~   ~.
  398   ~   ~Monday 29/12/2003
  399   ~   ~Beavis and Butthead
  400   ~   ~Fredrik Jonsson
  401   ~   ~Storgatan 77
  402   ~   ~SE-47111 Sunne, Sweden
  403   ~   ~.
  404   ~
  405   }
  406   \bigskip
  407   \noindent
  408   When the \dvlabel\ program is launched with the above file specified as
  409   the input to read, via the command\footnote{$\dagger$}{In similar to
  410   the previous example, this command for invoking the \dvlabel\ program
  411   can similarly written in a more extensive form as {\tt dvlabel --compile
  412   --eps --inputfile fig.asc --outputfile fig}.}
  413   \bigskip
  414   {\obeyspaces\obeylines\tt
  415   ~   ~[dvlabel> dvlabel -c -e -i fig.asc -o fig
  416   }
  417   \bigskip
  418   \noindent
  419   the same output as in the previous example will be generated.
  421   \fi
  423   \N{1}{5}The main program. Here follows the general outline of the main program.
  425   \Y\B\8\#\&{include} \.{<time.h>}\6
  426   \8\#\&{include} \.{<sys/time.h>}\6
  427   \8\#\&{include} \.{<stdio.h>}\6
  428   \8\#\&{include} \.{<stdarg.h>}\6
  429   \8\#\&{include} \.{<stdlib.h>}\6
  430   \8\#\&{include} \.{<string.h>}\6
  431   \8\#\&{include} \.{<ctype.h>}\6
  432   \8\#\&{define} \.{VERSION} \5\.{"1.6"}\C{ Program revision }\6
  433   \8\#\&{define} \.{DEFAULT\_DVIPSOPTS} \5\.{"-ta4\ -D1200"}\C{ Default DVIPS
  434   options }\6
  435   \8\#\&{define} \.{DEFAULT\_LINETHICKNESS} \5(\T{0.5})\C{ Default line thickness
  436   in pt }\6
  437   \8\#\&{define} \.{DEFAULT\_CROPLINETHICKNESS} \5(\T{0.15})\C{ Crop line
  438   thickness in pt }\6
  439   \8\#\&{define} \.{DEFAULT\_EDGESEPARATION} \5(\T{1.0})\6
  440   \8\#\&{define} \.{MAXCHAR} \5(\T{128})\C{ Maximum allowed number of characters
  441   on each line }\6
  442   \8\#\&{define} \.{SUCCESS} \5(\T{0})\C{ Return code for successful program
  443   termination }\6
  444   \8\#\&{define} \.{FAILURE} \5(\T{1})\C{ Return code for unsuccessful program
  445   termination }\6
  446   \8\#\&{define} \.{INSTREAM} \5${}(\\{infile\_specified}\?\\{infile}:%
  447   \\{stdin}){}$\6
  448   \8\#\&{define} \.{OUTSTREAM} \5${}(\\{outfile\_specified}\?\\{outfile}:%
  449   \\{stdout}){}$\6
  450   \8\#\&{define} ${}\\{log}(\,\ldots\,)\\{log\_printf} \5(\\{\_\_func\_\_},\39\.{%
  451   \_\_VA\_ARGS\_\_}){}$\6
  452   \X6:Global variables\X\6
  453   \X7:Subroutines\X\7
  454   \&{int} \\{main}(\&{int} \\{argc}${},\39{}$\&{char} ${}{*}\\{argv}[\,]){}$\1\1%
  455   \2\2\6
  456   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  457   \X14:Local variables\X\6
  458   \X15:Parse command line\X\6
  459   \X16:Display banner\X\6
  460   \X18:Open files for reading\X\6
  461   \X19:Open files for writing\X\6
  462   \X29:Save preamble source code\X\6
  463   ${}\\{num\_labels}\K\T{0};{}$\6
  464   \&{while} (\\{newlabel}(\.{INSTREAM}))\5
  465   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  466   ${}\\{num\_labels}\PP;{}$\6
  467   \X22:Scan text lines of one label from input stream\X\6
  468   \&{if} ${}(\\{num\_labels}\E\T{1}){}$\5
  469   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  470   \&{if} (\\{generate\_crop\_marks})\5
  471   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  472   \X32:Write vertical crop marks with width measure\X\6
  473   \X33:Write horizontal crop marks with height measure\X\6
  474   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
  475   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
  476   \X30:Save label source code\X\6
  477   \&{if} ${}(\\{num\_labels}\E\T{2}){}$\5
  478   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  479   \&{if} (\\{generate\_crop\_marks})\5
  480   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  481   \X33:Write horizontal crop marks with height measure\X\6
  482   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
  483   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
  484   \&{if} ${}(\\{num\_labels}\E\\{num\_labels\_per\_page}){}$\5
  485   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  486   \&{if} (\\{generate\_crop\_marks})\5
  487   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  488   \X33:Write horizontal crop marks with height measure\X\6
  489   \X32:Write vertical crop marks with width measure\X\6
  490   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
  491   \X31:Close output page\X\6
  492   ${}\\{num\_labels}\K\T{0};{}$\6
  493   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
  494   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
  495   \X34:Save closing source code\X\6
  496   \X20:Close files\X\6
  497   \X35:Compile source code\X\6
  498   \&{return} (\.{SUCCESS});\6
  499   \4${}\}{}$\2\par
  500   \fi
  502   \M{6}Declaration of global variables. The only global variables allowed in
  503   my programs are \PB{\\{optarg}}, which is the string of characters that
  504   specified
  505   the call from the command line, and \PB{\\{progname}}, which simply is the
  506   string
  507   containing the name of the program, as it was invoked from the command line.
  509   \Y\B\4\X6:Global variables\X${}\E{}$\6
  510   \&{extern} \&{char} ${}{*}\\{optarg};{}$\6
  511   \&{char} ${}{*}\\{progname}{}$;\par
  512   \U5.\fi
  514   \M{7}Declarations of subroutines used by the program.
  516   \Y\B\4\X7:Subroutines\X${}\E{}$\6
  517   \X8:Routine for logging and error messaging\X\6
  518   \X9:Routine for displaying help message\X\6
  519   \X11:Scan for beginning of new label\X\6
  520   \X12:Routine for removing preceding path of filenames\X\par
  521   \U5.\fi
  523   \M{8}The \PB{\&{void} \\{log\_printf}(\&{const} \&{char} ${}{*}\\{function%
  524   \_name},{}$\&{const} \&{char} ${}{*}\\{format},\,\ldots\,)$}
  525   routine writes formatted entries to standard output, displaying time and
  526   calling routine in a coherent manner. Notice that although the \PB{\\{log%
  527   \_printf}(\,)}
  528   routine is the one which performs the actual messaging, the \PB{\\{log}(\,)}
  529   macro
  530   (defined in the header file) is the preferred way of accessing this routine,
  531   as it provides a more compact notation and automatically takes care of
  532   supplying
  533   the reference to the name of the calling function.
  535   Also notice that the \PB{\&{const} \&{char}} type of the last two input pointer
  536   arguments
  537   here is absolutely essential in order to pass strict pedantic compilation with
  538   GCC.
  540   The routine accepts two input parameters. First, \PB{\\{function\_name}} which
  541   should
  542   be the name of the calling function. This is to ensure that any displayed
  543   error messages are properly matched to the issuing routines. Notice, however,
  544   that the \PB{\\{log}(\,)} macro (which is the preferred way of displaying error
  545   messages)
  546   automatically takes care of supplying the proper function name.
  547   Second, \PB{\\{format}}, which simply is the format and message string to be
  548   displayed, formatted in the \CEE-standard \PB{\\{printf}(\,)} or \PB{%
  549   \\{fprintf}(\,)} syntax.
  551   \Y\B\4\X8:Routine for logging and error messaging\X${}\E{}$\6
  552   \&{void} \\{log\_printf}(\&{const} \&{char} ${}{*}\\{function\_name},\39{}$%
  553   \&{const} \&{char} ${}{*}\\{format},\39\,\ldots\,){}$\1\1\2\2\6
  554   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  555   \&{va\_list} \\{args};\6
  556   \&{time\_t} \\{time0};\6
  557   \&{struct} \\{tm} \\{lt};\6
  558   \&{struct} \\{timeval} \\{tv};\6
  559   \&{char} \\{logentry}[\T{1024}];\7
  560   ${}\\{gettimeofday}({\AND}\\{tv},\39\NULL);{}$\6
  561   ${}\\{time}({\AND}\\{time0});{}$\6
  562   ${}\\{lt}\K{*}\\{localtime}({\AND}\\{time0});{}$\6
  563   ${}\\{sprintf}(\\{logentry},\39\.{"\%02u\%02u\%02u\ \%02u:\%}\)\.{02u:\%02u.%
  564   \%03d\ "},\39\\{lt}.\\{tm\_year}-\T{100},\39\\{lt}.\\{tm\_mon}+\T{1},\39\\{lt}.%
  565   \\{tm\_mday},\39\\{lt}.\\{tm\_hour},\39\\{lt}.\\{tm\_min},\39\\{lt}.\\{tm%
  566   \_sec},\39\\{tv}.\\{tv\_usec}/\T{1000});{}$\6
  567   ${}\\{sprintf}(\\{logentry}+\\{strlen}(\\{logentry}),\39\.{"(\%s)\ "},\39%
  568   \\{function\_name});{}$\6
  569   ${}\\{va\_start}(\\{args},\39\\{format}){}$;\C{ Initialize args by the \PB{%
  570   \\{va\_start}(\,)} macro }\6
  571   ${}\\{vsprintf}(\\{logentry}+\\{strlen}(\\{logentry}),\39\\{format},\39%
  572   \\{args});{}$\6
  573   \\{va\_end}(\\{args});\C{ Terminate the use of args by the \PB{\\{va\_end}(\,)}
  574   macro }\6
  575   ${}\\{sprintf}(\\{logentry}+\\{strlen}(\\{logentry}),\39\.{"\\n"}){}$;\C{
  576   Always append newline }\6
  577   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"\%s"},\39\\{logentry});{}$\6
  578   \&{return};\6
  579   \4${}\}{}$\2\par
  580   \U7.\fi
  582   \M{9}Routines for displaying help message.
  584   \Y\B\4\X9:Routine for displaying help message\X${}\E{}$\6
  585   \X10:Routine for displaying a single line of the help message\X\7
  586   \&{void} \\{showsomehelp}(\&{void})\1\1\2\2\6
  587   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  588   ${}\\{hl}(\.{"Usage:\ \%s\ [options]}\)\.{"},\39\\{progname});{}$\6
  589   \\{hl}(\.{"When\ invoked\ withou}\)\.{t\ any\ command\ line\ o}\)\.{ptions,\
  590   this\ program}\)\.{\ enters"});\6
  591   \\{hl}(\.{"interactive\ mode."});\6
  592   \\{hl}(\.{"Options:"});\6
  593   \\{hl}(\.{"\ -i,\ --inputfile\ <s}\)\.{tr>"});\6
  594   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ Specifies\ the\ f}\)\.{ile\ where\ to\ read\ th}\)\.{e\
  595   label\ text\ strings}\)\.{,\ entered\ in"});\6
  596   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ a\ format\ corres}\)\.{ponding\ to\ the\ input}\)\.{\ order\
  597   as\ would\ have}\)\.{\ been"});\6
  598   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ entered\ in\ inte}\)\.{ractive\ mode."});\6
  599   \\{hl}(\.{"\ -o,\ --outputfile\ <}\)\.{str>"});\6
  600   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ Specifies\ the\ f}\)\.{ile\ where\ to\ save\ th}\)\.{e\
  601   generated\ TeX\ sour}\)\.{ce\ code\ for"});\6
  602   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ the\ label.\ when}\)\.{ever\ this\ option\ is\ }\)%
  603   \.{omitted,\ the\ generat}\)\.{ed\ source"});\6
  604   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ code\ will\ be\ wr}\)\.{itten\ to\ standard\ te}\)\.{rminal\
  605   output\ instea}\)\.{d.\ Notice"});\6
  606   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ that\ the\ name\ s}\)\.{pecified\ using\ this\ }\)\.{option\
  607   is\ used\ as\ th}\)\.{e\ *base"});\6
  608   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ name*\ for\ the\ g}\)\.{enerated\ output;\ thi}\)\.{s\ means%
  609   \ that\ the\ TeX}\)\.{\ file"});\6
  610   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ automatically\ w}\)\.{ill\ get\ .tex\ as\ suff}\)\.{ix,\ the%
  611   \ DVIfile\ .dvi}\)\.{,\ etc."});\6
  612   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ For\ example,\ if}\)\.{\ you\ want\ to\ have\ yo}\)\.{ur\
  613   TeX\ output\ stored}\)\.{\ into\ a\ file"});\6
  614   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ named,\ say,\ 'fo}\)\.{o.tex',\ just\ specify}\)\.{\ '-o\
  615   foo'."});\6
  616   \\{hl}(\.{"\ -H,\ --headline"});\6
  617   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ Toggle\ display\ }\)\.{of\ generation\ time\ a}\)\.{nd\
  618   input\ source\ in\ p}\)\.{age\ header"});\6
  619   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ of\ the\ generate}\)\.{d\ TeX\ code.\ Default:}\)\.{\
  620   off"});\6
  621   \\{hl}(\.{"\ -C,\ --cropmarks"});\6
  622   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ Toggle\ display\ }\)\.{of\ crop\ marks\ (align}\)\.{ment\
  623   marks)\ in\ the\ g}\)\.{enerated\ TeX"});\6
  624   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ code.\ Default:\ }\)\.{off"});\6
  625   \\{hl}(\.{"\ -t,\ --linethick\ <f}\)\.{>"});\6
  626   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ Use\ linethickne}\)\.{ss\ of\ <f>\ typographi}\)\.{c\ points%
  627   \ in\ generati}\)\.{ng\ the\ boxes"});\6
  628   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ of\ the\ label.\ (}\)\.{One\ point,\ or\ pt,\ eq}\)\.{uals\
  629   to\ 1/72.27\ inch}\)\.{.)"});\6
  630   \\{hl}(\.{"\ -s,\ --edgeseparati}\)\.{on\ <f>"});\6
  631   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ Insert\ extra\ sp}\)\.{ace\ of\ <f>\ typograph}\)\.{ic\
  632   points\ between\ th}\)\.{e\ text\ boxes"});\6
  633   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ at\ the\ folded\ e}\)\.{dges\ of\ the\ label.\ T}\)\.{his\
  634   is\ useful\ when,\ }\)\.{for\ example,"});\6
  635   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ thick\ paper\ is\ }\)\.{used.\ By\ changing\ th}\)\.{e\ line%
  636   \ thickness,\ th}\)\.{e\ internal"});\6
  637   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ margins\ of\ the\ }\)\.{label\ are\ also\ chang}\)\.{ed,\
  638   since\ the\ inner\ }\)\.{edge-to-edge"});\6
  639   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ distance\ betwee}\)\.{n\ the\ lines\ of\ the\ i}\)\.{nner\
  640   and\ outer\ boxes}\)\.{\ are\ linked"});\6
  641   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ to\ be\ twice\ the}\)\.{\ value\ of\ the\ line\ t}\)%
  642   \.{hickness.\ The\ correc}\)\.{tion\ of"});\6
  643   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ inner\ bounding\ }\)\.{boxes\ of\ the\ label\ t}\)\.{ext\ is%
  644   \ automatically}\)\.{\ adjusted\ so"});\6
  645   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ as\ to\ ensure\ th}\)\.{at\ the\ overall\ outer}\)\.{\
  646   dimensions\ of\ the\ l}\)\.{abel\ are"});\6
  647   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ unchanged."});\6
  648   \\{hl}(\.{"\ -c,\ --compile"});\6
  649   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ Try\ to\ compile\ }\)\.{the\ generated\ TeX\ co}\)\.{de.\
  650   This\ requires\ DV}\)\.{IPS\ to\ be"});\6
  651   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ installed\ on\ yo}\)\.{ur\ system,\ see\ www.r}\)%
  652   \.{\ for\ fu}\)\.{rther\ info."});\6
  653   \\{hl}(\.{"\ -e,\ --eps"});\6
  654   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ When\ compiling\ }\)\.{the\ generated\ TeX\ co}\)\.{de,\
  655   generate\ Encapsu}\)\.{lated"});\6
  656   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ PostScript\ (EPS}\)\.{)\ instead\ of\ the\ def}\)\.{ault\
  657   regular\ PostScr}\)\.{ipt."});\6
  658   \\{hl}(\.{"\ -d,\ --dvipsopts\ <s}\)\.{tr>"});\6
  659   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ When\ compiling\ }\)\.{the\ generated\ TeX\ co}\)\.{de,\ use%
  660   \ <str>\ as\ opt}\)\.{ions\ to\ be"});\6
  661   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ supplied\ to\ DVI}\)\.{PS.\ In\ order\ to\ pars}\)\.{e\ for\
  662   an\ arbitrary\ n}\)\.{umber\ of"});\6
  663   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ DVIPS\ options\ a}\)\.{t\ the\ command\ line,\ }\)\.{it\ is\
  664   important\ to\ e}\)\.{nclose\ the"});\6
  665   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ list\ of\ DVIPS\ o}\)\.{ptions\ by\ quotes.\ He}\)\.{nce,\
  666   for\ example,\ to}\)\.{\ force\ DVIPS"});\6
  667   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ to\ generate\ out}\)\.{put\ pages\ of\ US\ lett}\)\.{er\
  668   format\ and\ at\ a\ r}\)\.{esolution\ of"});\6
  669   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ 720\ dpi\ one\ cou}\)\.{ld\ invoke\ DVLABEL\ wi}\)\.{th"});\6
  670   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ dvlabel\ -}\)\.{-dvipsopts\ \\"-tlette}\)\.{r\
  671   -D720\\""});\6
  672   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ The\ quotes\ are\ }\)\.{only\ necessary\ if\ th}\)\.{e\
  673   number\ of\ DVIPS\ op}\)\.{tions\ are"});\6
  674   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ two\ or\ more.\ De}\)\.{fault:\ -D1200\ -ta4\ (}\)\.{1200\
  675   DPI\ on\ A4\ paper}\)\.{)."});\6
  676   \\{hl}(\.{"\ -v,\ --verbose"});\6
  677   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ Toggle\ verbose\ }\)\.{mode.\ Default:\ off"});\6
  678   \\{hl}(\.{"\ -h,\ --help"});\6
  679   \\{hl}(\.{"\ \ \ \ Display\ this\ he}\)\.{lp\ message\ and\ exit\ }\)%
  680   \.{clean."});\6
  681   \\{hl}(\.{"\\nCopyright\ (C)\ 200}\)\.{3-2011\ Fredrik\ Jonss}\)\.{on\
  682   <http://jonsson.e}\)\.{u>"});\6
  683   \4${}\}{}$\2\par
  684   \U7.\fi
  686   \M{10}In order to simplify the messaging, the \PB{\\{hl}(\&{const} \&{char}
  687   ${}{*}\\{format},\,\ldots\,)$} routine
  688   acts as a simple front-end merely for compactifying the code by successive
  689   calls to \PB{$\\{hl}(\,\ldots\,)$} rather than the full \PB{$\\{fprintf}(%
  690   \\{stderr},\,\ldots\,)$}, still
  691   maintaining all the functionality of string formatting in the regular
  692   \PB{\\{printf}(\,)} or \PB{\\{fprintf}(\,)} syntax.
  694   \Y\B\4\X10:Routine for displaying a single line of the help message\X${}\E{}$\6
  695   \&{void} \\{hl}(\&{const} \&{char} ${}{*}\\{format},\39\,\ldots\,){}$\1\1 $\{$ %
  696   \&{va\_list} \\{args}; \&{char} \6
  697   \&{line} [\T{1024}]\1\5
  698   ;\2\6
  699   ${}\\{va\_start}(\\{args},\39\\{format}){}$;\C{ Initialize args by the \PB{%
  700   \\{va\_start}(\,)} macro }\6
  701   \\{vsprintf} ( \&{line} $,$ $\\{format},\39\\{args}$ )  ;\6
  702   \\{va\_end}(\\{args});\C{ Terminate the use of args by the \PB{\\{va\_end}(\,)}
  703   macro }\6
  704   \\{sprintf} ( \&{line} ${}{+}\\{strlen}$ ( \&{line} ) $,$ \.{"\\n"} )  ;\C{
  705   Always append newline }\6
  706   \\{fprintf} $(\\{stdout},\39\.{"\%s"},\39$ \&{line} )  ;\6
  707   \&{return}; $\}{}$\par
  708   \U9.\fi
  710   \M{11}Scan the input stream for a statement on what to do next, that is to say,
  711   either to start generating a new label (if the character `n' is present, in
  712   which case the \PB{\\{newlabel}} routine returns 1) or quit the program (if the
  713   character `q' is present, in which case the \PB{\\{newlabel}} routine returns
  714   0).
  715   The \PB{\\{newlabel}} routine also takes care of scanning away any trailing
  716   blanks
  717   or other characters from the input stream until a carriage return character
  718   is found, also removing this before return.
  720   \Y\B\4\X11:Scan for beginning of new label\X${}\E{}$\6
  721   \&{short} \\{newlabel}(\&{FILE} ${}{*}\\{instream}){}$\1\1\2\2\6
  722   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  723   \&{char} \\{ch};\7
  724   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"Create\ new\ label\ re}\)\.{cord\ or\ quit?%
  725   \\n"});{}$\6
  726   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"['n'=new\ label\ /\ 'q}\)\.{'=quit]:\\n"});{}$%
  727   \6
  728   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"**"});{}$\6
  729   \&{while} ${}((\\{ch}\K\\{fgetc}(\\{instream}))\E\.{'\ '}){}$\1\5
  730   ;\C{ get rid of leading blanks }\2\6
  731   \&{if} ${}(\\{ch}\E\.{'n'}){}$\5
  732   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  733   \&{while} ${}((\\{ch}\K\\{fgetc}(\\{instream}))\I\.{'\\n'}){}$\1\5
  734   ;\C{ get rid of trailing characters }\2\6
  735   \&{return} (\T{1});\6
  736   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
  737   \&{else} \&{if} ${}(\\{ch}\E\.{'q'}){}$\5
  738   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  739   \&{while} ${}((\\{ch}\K\\{fgetc}(\\{instream}))\I\.{'\\n'}){}$\1\5
  740   ;\C{ get rid of trailing characters }\2\6
  741   \&{return} (\T{0});\6
  742   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
  743   \&{else}\5
  744   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  745   ${}\\{log}(\.{"\%s:\ Error:\ Unrecogn}\)\.{ized\ input\ stream\ co}\)\.{ntrol\
  746   character\ '\%c'}\)\.{.\\n"},\39\\{progname},\39\\{ch});{}$\6
  747   \\{exit}(\.{FAILURE});\6
  748   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
  749   \4${}\}{}$\2\par
  750   \U7.\fi
  752   \M{12}Routines for removing preceding path of filenames.
  753   In this block all routines related to removing preceding path strings go.
  754   Not really fancy programming, and no contribution to any increase of numerical
  755   efficiency or precision; just for the sake of keeping a tidy terminal output
  756   of the program. The \PB{\\{strip\_away\_path}(\,)} routine is typically called
  757   when
  758   initializing the program name string \PB{\\{progname}} from the command line
  759   string
  760   \PB{\\{argv}[\T{0}]}, and is typically located in the blocks related to parsing
  761   of the
  762   command line options.
  763   The \PB{\\{strip\_away\_path}(\,)} routine takes a character string \PB{%
  764   \\{filename}} as
  765   argument, and returns a pointer to the same string but without any
  766   preceding path segments.
  768   \Y\B\4\X12:Routine for removing preceding path of filenames\X${}\E{}$\6
  769   \X13:Routine for checking for a valid path character\X\7
  770   \&{char} ${}{*}{}$\\{strip\_away\_path}(\&{char} \\{filename}[\,])\1\1\2\2\6
  771   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  772   \&{int} \|j${},{}$ \|k${}\K\T{0};{}$\7
  773   \&{while} (\\{pathcharacter}(\\{filename}[\|k]))\1\5
  774   ${}\|k\PP;{}$\2\6
  775   ${}\|j\K(\MM\|k){}$;\C{ this is the uppermost index of the full path+file
  776   string }\6
  777   \&{while} (\\{isalnum}((\&{int})(\\{filename}[\|j])))\1\5
  778   ${}\|j\MM;{}$\2\6
  779   ${}\|j\PP{}$;\C{ this is the lowermost index of the stripped file name }\6
  780   \&{return} ${}({\AND}\\{filename}[\|j]);{}$\6
  781   \4${}\}{}$\2\par
  782   \U7.\fi
  784   \M{13}In this program, valid path characters are any alphanumeric character or
  785   `\.{.}', `\.{/}', `\.{\\}', `\.{\_}', `\.{-}', or `\.{+}'.
  787   \Y\B\4\X13:Routine for checking for a valid path character\X${}\E{}$\6
  788   \&{short} \\{pathcharacter}(\&{int} \\{ch})\1\1\2\2\6
  789   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  790   \&{return} ${}(\\{isalnum}(\\{ch})\V(\\{ch}\E\.{'.'})\V(\\{ch}\E\.{'/'})\V(%
  791   \\{ch}\E\.{'\\\\'})\V(\\{ch}\E\.{'\_'})\V(\\{ch}\E\.{'-'})\V(\\{ch}\E%
  792   \.{'+'}));{}$\6
  793   \4${}\}{}$\2\par
  794   \U12.\fi
  796   \N{1}{14}Declaration of local variables of the main program.
  797   Here \PB{\\{num\_labels}} is a counter that is used for determining whenever a
  798   page
  799   brake in the generated \TeX\ code is to appear, in order to give a nice output
  800   with a $[3\times1]$ array of labels.
  802   \Y\B\4\X14:Local variables\X${}\E{}$\6
  803   \&{time\_t} \\{now}${}\K\\{time}(\NULL);{}$\6
  804   \&{long} \|j${},{}$ \|k${},{}$ \|n${},{}$ \\{num\_address\_lines}${},{}$ \\{num%
  805   \_toc\_lines}${},{}$ \\{num\_labels}${},{}$ \\{num\_labels\_per\_page}${}\K%
  806   \T{4};{}$\6
  807   \&{int} \\{no\_arg}${},{}$ \\{tmpch};\6
  808   \&{FILE} ${}{*}\\{infile}\K\NULL,{}$ ${}{*}\\{outfile}\K\NULL;{}$\6
  809   \&{char} \\{inputfilename}[\.{MAXCHAR}]${}\K\.{""},{}$ \\{outputfilename}[%
  810   \.{MAXCHAR}]${}\K\.{""},{}$ \\{tmpstr}[\.{MAXCHAR}];\6
  811   \&{char} \\{dvipsopts}[\.{MAXCHAR}]${}\K\.{DEFAULT\_DVIPSOPTS};{}$\6
  812   \&{char} \\{timestamp}[\.{MAXCHAR}]${}\K\.{"\\today"},{}$ \\{title}[%
  813   \.{MAXCHAR}]${}\K\.{""};{}$\6
  814   \&{char} \\{author}[\.{MAXCHAR}]${}\K\.{""},{}$ \\{email}[\.{MAXCHAR}]${}\K%
  815   \.{""};{}$\6
  816   \&{char} ${}\\{address}[\T{10}*\.{MAXCHAR}]\K\.{""},{}$ ${}\\{toc}[\T{50}*%
  817   \.{MAXCHAR}]\K\.{""};{}$\6
  818   \&{short} \\{done}${},{}$ \\{verbose}${}\K\T{0},{}$ \\{compile}${}\K\T{0},{}$ %
  819   \\{eps\_output}${}\K\T{0};{}$\6
  820   \&{short} \\{headline}${}\K\T{1},{}$ \\{generate\_crop\_marks}${}\K\T{1};{}$\6
  821   \&{short} \\{infile\_specified}${}\K\T{0},{}$ \\{outfile\_specified}${}\K%
  822   \T{0},{}$ \\{dvipsopts\_specified}${}\K\T{0};{}$\6
  823   \&{float} \\{linethickness}${}\K\.{DEFAULT\_LINETHICKNESS};{}$\6
  824   \&{float} \\{clthick}${}\K\.{DEFAULT\_CROPLINETHICKNESS};{}$\6
  825   \&{float} \\{edgeseparation}${}\K\.{DEFAULT\_EDGESEPARATION};{}$\6
  826   \&{float} \\{facewidth}${},{}$ \\{faceheight}${},{}$ \\{spineheight}${},{}$ %
  827   \\{flapheight};\6
  828   \&{float} \\{ifacewidth}${},{}$ \\{ifaceheight}${},{}$ \\{ispineheight}${},{}$ %
  829   \\{iflapheight};\par
  830   \U5.\fi
  832   \N{1}{15}Parsing command line options. All input parameters are passed to the
  833   program through command line options and arguments to the program.
  834   The syntax of command line options is listed whenever the program is invoked
  835   with the {\tt --help} option at startup, or whenever an error occurs in the
  836   input.
  838   \Y\B\4\X15:Parse command line\X${}\E{}$\6
  839   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  840   ${}\\{progname}\K\\{strip\_away\_path}(\\{argv}[\T{0}]);{}$\6
  841   ${}\\{no\_arg}\K\\{argc};{}$\6
  842   \&{while} ${}(\MM\\{argc}){}$\5
  843   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  844   \&{if} ${}(\R\\{strcmp}(\\{argv}[\\{no\_arg}-\\{argc}],\39\.{"-o"})\V\R%
  845   \\{strcmp}(\\{argv}[\\{no\_arg}-\\{argc}],\39\.{"--outputfile"})){}$\5
  846   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  847   ${}\MM\\{argc};{}$\6
  848   ${}\\{strcpy}(\\{outputfilename},\39\\{argv}[\\{no\_arg}-\\{argc}]);{}$\6
  849   ${}\\{outfile\_specified}\K\T{1};{}$\6
  850   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
  851   \&{else} \&{if} ${}(\R\\{strcmp}(\\{argv}[\\{no\_arg}-\\{argc}],\39\.{"-i"})\V%
  852   \R\\{strcmp}(\\{argv}[\\{no\_arg}-\\{argc}],\39\.{"--inputfile"})){}$\5
  853   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  854   ${}\MM\\{argc};{}$\6
  855   ${}\\{strcpy}(\\{inputfilename},\39\\{argv}[\\{no\_arg}-\\{argc}]);{}$\6
  856   ${}\\{infile\_specified}\K\T{1};{}$\6
  857   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
  858   \&{else} \&{if} ${}(\R\\{strcmp}(\\{argv}[\\{no\_arg}-\\{argc}],\39\.{"-v"})\V%
  859   \R\\{strcmp}(\\{argv}[\\{no\_arg}-\\{argc}],\39\.{"--verbose"})){}$\5
  860   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  861   ${}\\{verbose}\K(\\{verbose}\?\T{0}:\T{1});{}$\6
  862   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
  863   \&{else} \&{if} ${}(\R\\{strcmp}(\\{argv}[\\{no\_arg}-\\{argc}],\39\.{"-h"})\V%
  864   \R\\{strcmp}(\\{argv}[\\{no\_arg}-\\{argc}],\39\.{"--help"})){}$\5
  865   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  866   \\{showsomehelp}(\,);\6
  867   \\{exit}(\.{SUCCESS});\6
  868   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
  869   \&{else} \&{if} ${}(\R\\{strcmp}(\\{argv}[\\{no\_arg}-\\{argc}],\39\.{"-H"})\V%
  870   \R\\{strcmp}(\\{argv}[\\{no\_arg}-\\{argc}],\39\.{"--headline"})){}$\5
  871   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  872   ${}\\{headline}\K(\\{headline}\?\T{0}:\T{1});{}$\6
  873   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
  874   \&{else} \&{if} ${}(\R\\{strcmp}(\\{argv}[\\{no\_arg}-\\{argc}],\39\.{"-C"})\V%
  875   \R\\{strcmp}(\\{argv}[\\{no\_arg}-\\{argc}],\39\.{"--cropmarks"})){}$\5
  876   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  877   ${}\\{generate\_crop\_marks}\K(\\{generate\_crop\_marks}\?\T{0}:\T{1});{}$\6
  878   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
  879   \&{else} \&{if} ${}(\R\\{strcmp}(\\{argv}[\\{no\_arg}-\\{argc}],\39\.{"-t"})\V%
  880   \R\\{strcmp}(\\{argv}[\\{no\_arg}-\\{argc}],\39\.{"--linethick"})){}$\5
  881   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  882   ${}\MM\\{argc};{}$\6
  883   \&{if} ${}(\R\\{sscanf}(\\{argv}[\\{no\_arg}-\\{argc}],\39\.{"\%f"},\39{\AND}%
  884   \\{linethickness})){}$\5
  885   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  886   \\{log}(\.{"Error\ in\ linethickn}\)\.{ess\ argument."});\6
  887   \\{exit}(\T{1});\6
  888   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
  889   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
  890   \&{else} \&{if} ${}(\R\\{strcmp}(\\{argv}[\\{no\_arg}-\\{argc}],\39\.{"-s"})\V%
  891   \R\\{strcmp}(\\{argv}[\\{no\_arg}-\\{argc}],\39\.{"--edgeseparation"})){}$\5
  892   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  893   ${}\MM\\{argc};{}$\6
  894   \&{if} ${}(\R\\{sscanf}(\\{argv}[\\{no\_arg}-\\{argc}],\39\.{"\%f"},\39{\AND}%
  895   \\{edgeseparation})){}$\5
  896   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  897   \\{log}(\.{"Error\ in\ edgesepara}\)\.{tion\ argument."});\6
  898   \\{exit}(\T{1});\6
  899   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
  900   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
  901   \&{else} \&{if} ${}(\R\\{strcmp}(\\{argv}[\\{no\_arg}-\\{argc}],\39\.{"-c"})\V%
  902   \R\\{strcmp}(\\{argv}[\\{no\_arg}-\\{argc}],\39\.{"--compile"})){}$\5
  903   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  904   ${}\\{compile}\K(\\{compile}\?\T{0}:\T{1});{}$\6
  905   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
  906   \&{else} \&{if} ${}(\R\\{strcmp}(\\{argv}[\\{no\_arg}-\\{argc}],\39\.{"-e"})\V%
  907   \R\\{strcmp}(\\{argv}[\\{no\_arg}-\\{argc}],\39\.{"--eps"})){}$\5
  908   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  909   ${}\\{eps\_output}\K(\\{eps\_output}\?\T{0}:\T{1});{}$\6
  910   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
  911   \&{else} \&{if} ${}(\R\\{strcmp}(\\{argv}[\\{no\_arg}-\\{argc}],\39\.{"-d"})\V%
  912   \R\\{strcmp}(\\{argv}[\\{no\_arg}-\\{argc}],\39\.{"--dvipsopts"})){}$\5
  913   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  914   ${}\MM\\{argc};{}$\6
  915   ${}\\{strcpy}(\\{dvipsopts},\39\\{argv}[\\{no\_arg}-\\{argc}]);{}$\6
  916   ${}\\{dvipsopts\_specified}\K\T{1};{}$\6
  917   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
  918   \&{else}\5
  919   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  920   ${}\\{log}(\.{"Error:\ Unknown\ opti}\)\.{on\ '\%s'."},\39\\{argv}[\\{no\_arg}-%
  921   \\{argc}]);{}$\6
  922   \\{showsomehelp}(\,);\6
  923   \\{exit}(\.{FAILURE});\6
  924   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
  925   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
  926   \&{if} ${}(\\{verbose}\W\R\\{outfile\_specified}){}$\5
  927   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  928   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"You\ have\ specified\ }\)\.{verbose\ mode\
  929   without}\)\.{\ any\ specification\ o}\)\.{f\\n"}\.{"a\ file\ where\ to\ sav}\)%
  930   \.{e\ the\ generated\ TeX\ }\)\.{source\ code.\ This\ me}\)\.{ans\\n"}\.{"that\
  931   any\ program\ co}\)\.{mments\ that\ appear,\ }\)\.{due\ to\ the\ verbose\ m}\)%
  932   \.{ode,\\n"}\.{"will\ be\ mixed\ with\ }\)\.{the\ source\ code.\ It\ }\)\.{is\
  933   highly\ recommende}\)\.{d\ that\\n"}\.{"you\ either\ turn\ off}\)\.{\ verbose\
  934   mode\ or\ spe}\)\.{cify\ a\ file\ where\ to}\)\.{\ save\\n"}\.{"the\ generated\
  935   outpu}\)\.{t\ (using\ the\ -o\ or\ -}\)\.{-outputfile\ option).}\)\.{\\n"});{}$%
  936   \6
  937   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"In\ order\ to\ make\ a\ }\)\.{clean\ output,\
  938   the\ Te}\)\.{X\ code\ is\ separately}\)\.{\\n"}\.{"enclosed\ in\ the\ blo}\)%
  939   \.{cks\ below.\\n"});{}$\6
  940   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
  941   \&{if} ${}(\\{verbose}\W\\{dvipsopts\_specified}){}$\5
  942   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  943   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"Specified\ options\ f}\)\.{or\ later\ use\
  944   with\ DV}\)\.{IPS:\ "});{}$\6
  945   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"\%s\\n"},\39\\{dvipsopts});{}$\6
  946   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
  947   \4${}\}{}$\2\par
  948   \U5.\fi
  950   \M{16}Display a banner at start-up of the program.
  952   \Y\B\4\X16:Display banner\X${}\E{}$\6
  953   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  954   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"This\ is\ \%s,\ Version}\)\.{\ \%s\\n"},\39%
  955   \\{progname},\39\.{VERSION});{}$\6
  956   \4${}\}{}$\2\par
  957   \U5.\fi
  959   \N{1}{17}Opening and closing files for data output.
  961   \fi
  963   \M{18}Open files for reading. In order to read the text to typeset from an
  964   external
  965   file rather than the default standard input stream {\tt stdin}, the name of the
  966   input file is specified with the {\tt -i} or {\tt --inputfile} command line
  967   options.
  968   If the filename as specified on the command line does not exist, then the
  969   program will instead try to open a file with the suffix {\tt .dvl} concatenated
  970   to the name. This way, the program will accept short-hand filenames as well, in
  971   a way analogous to the input syntax rules of, for example, the \TeX\ program.
  972   If no input file can be opened, an error message is displayed and the program
  973   will exit with return value \PB{\.{FAILURE}}.
  975   \Y\B\4\X18:Open files for reading\X${}\E{}$\6
  976   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  977   \&{if} (\\{infile\_specified})\5
  978   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  979   \&{if} ${}((\\{infile}\K\\{fopen}(\\{inputfilename},\39\.{"r"}))\E\NULL){}$\5
  980   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  981   \&{if} ${}((\\{infile}\K\\{fopen}(\\{strcat}(\\{inputfilename},\39\.{".dvl"}),%
  982   \39\.{"r"}))\E\NULL){}$\5
  983   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  984   ${}\\{log}(\.{"Could\ not\ open\ file}\)\.{\ \%s\ for\ reading!"},\39%
  985   \\{inputfilename});{}$\6
  986   \\{exit}(\.{FAILURE});\6
  987   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
  988   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
  989   ${}\\{fseek}(\\{infile},\39\T{0\$L},\39\.{SEEK\_SET});{}$\6
  990   \&{if} (\\{verbose})\5
  991   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  992   ${}\\{log}(\.{"Opened\ input\ file\ \%}\)\.{s\ for\ reading."},\39%
  993   \\{inputfilename});{}$\6
  994   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
  995   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
  996   \&{else}\5
  997   ${}\{{}$\1\6
  998   \&{if} (\\{verbose})\1\5
  999   \\{log}(\.{"No\ input\ filename\ s}\)\.{pecified\ (Entering\ i}\)\.{nteractive\
 1000   mode)."});\2\6
 1001   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1002   \4${}\}{}$\2\par
 1003   \U5.\fi
 1005   \M{19}Open files for writing.
 1007   \Y\B\4\X19:Open files for writing\X${}\E{}$\6
 1008   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1009   \&{if} (\\{outfile\_specified})\5
 1010   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1011   ${}\\{sprintf}(\\{tmpstr},\39\.{"\%s.tex"},\39\\{outputfilename});{}$\6
 1012   \&{if} ${}((\\{outfile}\K\\{fopen}(\\{tmpstr},\39\.{"w"}))\E\NULL){}$\5
 1013   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1014   ${}\\{log}(\.{"Could\ not\ open\ file}\)\.{\ \%s\ for\ writing!"},\39%
 1015   \\{tmpstr});{}$\6
 1016   \\{exit}(\.{FAILURE});\6
 1017   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1018   ${}\\{fseek}(\\{outfile},\39\T{0\$L},\39\.{SEEK\_SET});{}$\6
 1019   \&{if} (\\{verbose})\5
 1020   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1021   ${}\\{log}(\.{"Opened\ output\ file\ }\)\.{\%s\ for\ writing."},\39%
 1022   \\{outputfilename});{}$\6
 1023   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1024   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1025   \&{else}\5
 1026   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1027   \&{if} (\\{verbose})\5
 1028   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1029   \\{log}(\.{"No\ output\ filename\ }\)\.{specified."});\6
 1030   \\{log}(\.{"Will\ write\ generate}\)\.{d\ TeX\ output\ to\ stan}\)\.{dard\
 1031   terminal\ output}\)\.{."});\6
 1032   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1033   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1034   \4${}\}{}$\2\par
 1035   \U5.\fi
 1037   \M{20}Close all open files.
 1039   \Y\B\4\X20:Close files\X${}\E{}$\6
 1040   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1041   \&{if} (\\{infile\_specified})\1\5
 1042   \\{fclose}(\\{infile});\2\6
 1043   \&{if} (\\{outfile\_specified})\1\5
 1044   \\{fclose}(\\{outfile});\2\6
 1045   \4${}\}{}$\2\par
 1046   \U5.\fi
 1048   \N{1}{21}Reading input as supplied by the user.
 1050   \fi
 1052   \M{22}Parsing the input as supplied by the user. When reading the input, the
 1053   \dvlabel\ program makes use of either the \PB{\\{stdin}} stream (in the case of
 1054   interactive mode), or the file pointed out by the \PB{\\{infile}} pointer (in
 1055   the
 1056   case of processing of an input text file).
 1057   In the latter case, the syntax of the supplied file is identical to the
 1058   syntax as if operating the program in interactive mode, with every newline
 1059   character ({\tt /n}) interpreted as an end-of-line of a corresponding
 1060   interactive input.
 1062   Example: [TO BE INSERTED]
 1064   As the individual lines of text generally contain different number of
 1065   characters, the feedline character {\tt /n} of standard \CEE\ is throughout
 1066   the program used to keep track of the end of line. (This is more convenient
 1067   than keeping track of the indvidual line widths in, for example, and array
 1068   of integers.)
 1070   \Y\B\4\X22:Scan text lines of one label from input stream\X${}\E{}$\6
 1071   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1072   \X23:Read table of contents\X\6
 1073   \X24:Read time stamp\X\6
 1074   \X25:Read title\X\6
 1075   \X26:Read author name\X\6
 1076   \X27:Read address\X\6
 1077   \X28:Read email address\X\6
 1078   \4${}\}{}$\2\par
 1079   \U5.\fi
 1081   \M{23}Parse for the table of contents of the tape.
 1082   The syntax for specifying the table of contents is similar to that of the
 1083   address, with arbitrary number of lines of text. The input is ended by
 1084   a single dot on a new line, in similar to the way of entering, for example,
 1085   email messages in terminal mode using the basic engine of {\tt sendmail} on
 1086   regular UNIX and Linux systems.
 1088   \Y\B\4\X23:Read table of contents\X${}\E{}$\6
 1089   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1090   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"Specify\ table\ of\ co}\)\.{ntents\ of\ the\
 1091   DV\ tap}\)\.{e\\n"});{}$\6
 1092   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"[Enter\ text\ and\ fin}\)\.{ish\ with\ single\
 1093   dot\ }\)\.{on\ blank\ line]:\\n"});{}$\6
 1094   ${}\\{done}\K\T{0};{}$\6
 1095   ${}\|n\K\T{0};{}$\6
 1096   ${}\\{num\_toc\_lines}\K\T{0};{}$\6
 1097   \&{while} ${}(\R\\{done}){}$\5
 1098   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1099   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"**"});{}$\6
 1100   \&{while} ${}((\\{tmpch}\K\\{fgetc}(\.{INSTREAM}))\E\.{'\ '}){}$\1\5
 1101   ;\C{ Get rid of leading blanks }\2\6
 1102   ${}\\{ungetc}(\\{tmpch},\39\.{INSTREAM});{}$\6
 1103   ${}\|k\K\T{0};{}$\6
 1104   \&{while} ${}((\\{tmpstr}[\|k\PP]\K\\{fgetc}(\.{INSTREAM}))\I\.{'\\n'}){}$\1\5
 1105   ;\C{ Read line }\2\6
 1106   \&{if} ${}(\|k>\T{1}){}$\5
 1107   ${}\{{}$\C{ If more text than just spaces and a linefeed character }\1\6
 1108   \&{if} ${}((\\{tmpstr}[\T{0}]\E\.{'.'})\W(\\{tmpstr}[\T{1}]\E\.{'\\n'})){}$\5
 1109   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1110   ${}\\{done}\K\T{1};{}$\6
 1111   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1112   \&{else}\5
 1113   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1114   \&{for} ${}(\|j\K\T{0};{}$ ${}\|j<\|k;{}$ ${}\|j\PP){}$\1\5
 1115   ${}\\{toc}[\|n+\|j]\K\\{tmpstr}[\|j];{}$\2\6
 1116   \&{if} ${}(\T{1}\E\T{0}){}$\1\5
 1117   ${}\\{toc}[\|n+\|j]\K\.{'\\n'};{}$\2\6
 1118   ${}\|n\K\|n+\|j{}$;\C{ Keep track of last index of the \PB{\\{toc}} array }\6
 1119   ${}\\{num\_toc\_lines}\PP;{}$\6
 1120   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1121   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1122   \&{else}\5
 1123   ${}\{{}$\C{ If just spaces and a linefeed character }\1\6
 1124   ${}\\{toc}[\|n]\K\.{'\\n'}{}$;\C{ Blank line of table-of-contents field }\6
 1125   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1126   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1127   \&{if} (\\{verbose})\5
 1128   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1129   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"\%s:\ Counted\ \%ld\ num}\)\.{ber\ of\
 1130   table-of-cont}\)\.{ents\ lines.\\n"},\39\\{progname},\39\\{num\_toc%
 1131   \_lines});{}$\6
 1132   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"Table\ of\ contents:\\}\)\.{n"});{}$\6
 1133   ${}\|n\K\T{0};{}$\6
 1134   \&{for} ${}(\|k\K\T{1};{}$ ${}\|k\Z\\{num\_toc\_lines};{}$ ${}\|k\PP){}$\5
 1135   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1136   \&{for} ${}(\|j\K\|n;{}$ ${}\\{toc}[\|j]\I\.{'\\n'};{}$ ${}\|j\PP){}$\1\5
 1137   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"\%c"},\39\\{toc}[\|j]);{}$\2\6
 1138   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"\\n"});{}$\6
 1139   ${}\|n\K\|j+\T{1};{}$\6
 1140   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1141   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1142   \4${}\}{}$\2\par
 1143   \U22.\fi
 1145   \M{24}Parse for the time stamp to be used.
 1147   \Y\B\4\X24:Read time stamp\X${}\E{}$\6
 1148   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1149   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"Specify\ time\ stamp\ }\)\.{of\ DV\ tape.\
 1150   This\ is\ }\)\.{typically\\n"});{}$\6
 1151   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"the\ last\ date\ that\ }\)\.{appears\ as\ time%
 1152   \ stam}\)\.{p\ in\ the\\n"});{}$\6
 1153   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"recorded\ tape.\ [Pre}\)\.{ss\ enter\ to\ use\
 1154   the\ }\)\.{current\ date]\\n"});{}$\6
 1155   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"**"});{}$\6
 1156   \&{while} ${}((\\{tmpch}\K\\{fgetc}(\.{INSTREAM}))\E\.{'\ '}){}$\1\5
 1157   ;\C{ Get rid of leading blank spaces }\2\6
 1158   ${}\\{ungetc}(\\{tmpch},\39\.{INSTREAM});{}$\6
 1159   ${}\|k\K\T{0};{}$\6
 1160   \&{while} ${}((\\{tmpstr}[\|k\PP]\K\\{fgetc}(\.{INSTREAM}))\I\.{'\\n'}){}$\1\5
 1161   ;\C{ Read line }\2\6
 1162   \&{if} ${}(\|k>\T{1}{}$)\C{ If more text than just spaces and a linefeed
 1163   character }\1\6
 1164   \&{for} ${}(\|j\K\T{0};{}$ ${}\|j<\|k;{}$ ${}\|j\PP){}$\1\5
 1165   ${}\\{timestamp}[\|j]\K\\{tmpstr}[\|j];{}$\2\2\6
 1166   \&{else}\C{ If just spaces and a linefeed character }\1\6
 1167   \&{for} ${}(\|j\K\T{0};{}$ ${}\|j<\T{7};{}$ ${}\|j\PP){}$\1\5
 1168   ${}\\{timestamp}[\|j]\K\.{"\\\\today\\n"}[\|j];{}$\2\2\6
 1169   \&{if} (\\{verbose})\5
 1170   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1171   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"Time\ stamp:\ "});{}$\6
 1172   \&{for} ${}(\|j\K\T{0};{}$ ${}\\{timestamp}[\|j]\I\.{'\\n'};{}$ ${}\|j\PP){}$\1%
 1173   \5
 1174   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"\%c"},\39\\{timestamp}[\|j]);{}$\2\6
 1175   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"\\n"});{}$\6
 1176   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1177   \4${}\}{}$\2\par
 1178   \U22.\fi
 1180   \M{25}Parse for the title to be used.
 1182   \Y\B\4\X25:Read title\X${}\E{}$\6
 1183   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1184   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"Specify\ title\ of\ th}\)\.{e\ DV\ tape\
 1185   [Press\ ent}\)\.{er\ to\ leave\ blank\ ti}\)\.{tle]:\\n"});{}$\6
 1186   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"**"});{}$\6
 1187   \&{while} ${}((\\{tmpch}\K\\{fgetc}(\.{INSTREAM}))\E\.{'\ '}){}$\1\5
 1188   ;\C{ Get rid of leading blank spaces }\2\6
 1189   ${}\\{ungetc}(\\{tmpch},\39\.{INSTREAM});{}$\6
 1190   ${}\|k\K\T{0};{}$\6
 1191   \&{while} ${}((\\{tmpstr}[\|k\PP]\K\\{fgetc}(\.{INSTREAM}))\I\.{'\\n'}){}$\1\5
 1192   ;\C{ Read line }\2\6
 1193   \&{if} ${}(\|k>\T{1}{}$)\C{ If more text than just spaces and a linefeed
 1194   character }\1\6
 1195   \&{for} ${}(\|j\K\T{0};{}$ ${}\|j<\|k;{}$ ${}\|j\PP){}$\1\5
 1196   ${}\\{title}[\|j]\K\\{tmpstr}[\|j];{}$\2\2\6
 1197   \&{else}\C{ If just spaces and a linefeed character }\1\6
 1198   ${}\\{title}[\T{0}]\K\.{'\\n'}{}$;\C{ Blank title }\2\6
 1199   \&{if} (\\{verbose})\5
 1200   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1201   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"Title:\ "});{}$\6
 1202   \&{for} ${}(\|j\K\T{0};{}$ ${}\\{title}[\|j]\I\.{'\\n'};{}$ ${}\|j\PP){}$\1\5
 1203   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"\%c"},\39\\{title}[\|j]);{}$\2\6
 1204   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"\\n"});{}$\6
 1205   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1206   \4${}\}{}$\2\par
 1207   \U22.\fi
 1209   \M{26}Parse for the author name to be used.
 1211   \Y\B\4\X26:Read author name\X${}\E{}$\6
 1212   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1213   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"Specify\ author\ of\ t}\)\.{he\ DV\ tape\
 1214   [Press\ en}\)\.{ter\ to\ leave\ blank]:}\)\.{\\n"});{}$\6
 1215   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"**"});{}$\6
 1216   \&{while} ${}((\\{tmpch}\K\\{fgetc}(\.{INSTREAM}))\E\.{'\ '}){}$\1\5
 1217   ;\C{ Get rid of leading blank spaces }\2\6
 1218   ${}\\{ungetc}(\\{tmpch},\39\.{INSTREAM});{}$\6
 1219   ${}\|k\K\T{0};{}$\6
 1220   \&{while} ${}((\\{tmpstr}[\|k\PP]\K\\{fgetc}(\.{INSTREAM}))\I\.{'\\n'}){}$\1\5
 1221   ;\C{ Read line }\2\6
 1222   \&{if} ${}(\|k>\T{1}{}$)\C{ If more text than just spaces and a linefeed
 1223   character }\1\6
 1224   \&{for} ${}(\|j\K\T{0};{}$ ${}\|j<\|k;{}$ ${}\|j\PP){}$\1\5
 1225   ${}\\{author}[\|j]\K\\{tmpstr}[\|j];{}$\2\2\6
 1226   \&{else}\C{ If just spaces and a linefeed character }\1\6
 1227   ${}\\{author}[\T{0}]\K\.{'\\n'}{}$;\C{ Blank author field }\2\6
 1228   \&{if} (\\{verbose})\5
 1229   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1230   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"Author:\ "});{}$\6
 1231   \&{for} ${}(\|j\K\T{0};{}$ ${}\\{author}[\|j]\I\.{'\\n'};{}$ ${}\|j\PP){}$\1\5
 1232   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"\%c"},\39\\{author}[\|j]);{}$\2\6
 1233   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"\\n"});{}$\6
 1234   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1235   \4${}\}{}$\2\par
 1236   \U22.\fi
 1238   \M{27}Parse for the address to be used.
 1239   The syntax for specifying the address is similar to that of the table of
 1240   contents, with arbitrary number of lines of text. The input is ended by
 1241   a single dot on a new line, in similar to the way of entering, for example,
 1242   email messages in terminal mode using the basic engine of {\tt sendmail} on
 1243   regular UNIX and Linux systems.
 1245   \Y\B\4\X27:Read address\X${}\E{}$\6
 1246   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1247   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"Specify\ address\ of\ }\)\.{author\ of\ the\
 1248   DV\ tap}\)\.{e\\n"});{}$\6
 1249   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"[Enter\ text\ and\ fin}\)\.{ish\ with\ single\
 1250   dot\ }\)\.{on\ blank\ line]:\\n"});{}$\6
 1251   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"**"});{}$\6
 1252   ${}\\{done}\K\T{0};{}$\6
 1253   ${}\|n\K\T{0};{}$\6
 1254   ${}\\{num\_address\_lines}\K\T{0};{}$\6
 1255   \&{while} ${}(\R\\{done}){}$\5
 1256   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1257   \&{while} ${}((\\{tmpch}\K\\{fgetc}(\.{INSTREAM}))\E\.{'\ '}){}$\1\5
 1258   ;\C{ Get rid of leading spaces }\2\6
 1259   ${}\\{ungetc}(\\{tmpch},\39\.{INSTREAM});{}$\6
 1260   ${}\|k\K\T{0};{}$\6
 1261   \&{while} ${}((\\{tmpstr}[\|k\PP]\K\\{fgetc}(\.{INSTREAM}))\I\.{'\\n'}){}$\1\5
 1262   ;\C{ Read line }\2\6
 1263   \&{if} ${}(\|k>\T{1}){}$\5
 1264   ${}\{{}$\C{ If more text than just spaces and a linefeed character }\1\6
 1265   \&{if} ${}((\\{tmpstr}[\T{0}]\E\.{'.'})\W(\\{tmpstr}[\T{1}]\E\.{'\\n'})){}$\5
 1266   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1267   ${}\\{done}\K\T{1};{}$\6
 1268   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1269   \&{else}\5
 1270   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1271   \&{for} ${}(\|j\K\T{0};{}$ ${}\|j<\|k;{}$ ${}\|j\PP){}$\1\5
 1272   ${}\\{address}[\|n+\|j]\K\\{tmpstr}[\|j];{}$\2\6
 1273   \&{if} ${}(\T{1}\E\T{0}){}$\1\5
 1274   ${}\\{address}[\|n+\|j]\K\.{'\\n'};{}$\2\6
 1275   ${}\|n\K\|n+\|j{}$;\C{ Keep track of last index of the \PB{\\{address}} array }%
 1276   \6
 1277   ${}\\{num\_address\_lines}\PP;{}$\6
 1278   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1279   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1280   \&{else}\5
 1281   ${}\{{}$\C{ If just spaces and a linefeed character }\1\6
 1282   ${}\\{address}[\|n]\K\.{'\\n'}{}$;\C{ Blank line of address field }\6
 1283   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1284   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"**"});{}$\6
 1285   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1286   \&{if} (\\{verbose})\5
 1287   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1288   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"\%s:\ Counted\ \%ld\ add}\)\.{ress\ lines.%
 1289   \\n"},\39\\{progname},\39\\{num\_address\_lines});{}$\6
 1290   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"Address:\\n"});{}$\6
 1291   ${}\|n\K\T{0};{}$\6
 1292   \&{for} ${}(\|k\K\T{1};{}$ ${}\|k\Z\\{num\_address\_lines};{}$ ${}\|k\PP){}$\5
 1293   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1294   \&{for} ${}(\|j\K\|n;{}$ ${}\\{address}[\|j]\I\.{'\\n'};{}$ ${}\|j\PP){}$\1\5
 1295   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"\%c"},\39\\{address}[\|j]);{}$\2\6
 1296   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"\\n"});{}$\6
 1297   ${}\|n\K\|j+\T{1};{}$\6
 1298   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1299   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1300   \4${}\}{}$\2\par
 1301   \U22.\fi
 1303   \M{28}Parse for the email address to be used.
 1305   \Y\B\4\X28:Read email address\X${}\E{}$\6
 1306   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1307   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"Specify\ email\ of\ au}\)\.{thor\ of\ the\ DV\
 1308   tape\ }\)\.{[Press\ enter\ to\ leav}\)\.{e\ blank]:\\n"});{}$\6
 1309   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"**"});{}$\6
 1310   \&{while} ${}((\\{tmpch}\K\\{fgetc}(\.{INSTREAM}))\E\.{'\ '}){}$\1\5
 1311   ;\C{ Get rid of leading blank spaces }\2\6
 1312   ${}\\{ungetc}(\\{tmpch},\39\.{INSTREAM});{}$\6
 1313   ${}\|k\K\T{0};{}$\6
 1314   \&{while} ${}((\\{tmpstr}[\|k\PP]\K\\{fgetc}(\.{INSTREAM}))\I\.{'\\n'}){}$\1\5
 1315   ;\C{ Read line }\2\6
 1316   \&{if} ${}(\|k>\T{1}{}$)\C{ If more text than just spaces and a linefeed
 1317   character }\1\6
 1318   \&{for} ${}(\|j\K\T{0};{}$ ${}\|j<\|k;{}$ ${}\|j\PP){}$\1\5
 1319   ${}\\{email}[\|j]\K\\{tmpstr}[\|j];{}$\2\2\6
 1320   \&{else}\C{ If just spaces and a linefeed character }\1\6
 1321   ${}\\{email}[\T{0}]\K\.{'\\n'}{}$;\C{ Blank email field }\2\6
 1322   \&{if} (\\{verbose})\5
 1323   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1324   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"Email:\ "});{}$\6
 1325   \&{for} ${}(\|j\K\T{0};{}$ ${}\\{email}[\|j]\I\.{'\\n'};{}$ ${}\|j\PP){}$\1\5
 1326   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"\%c"},\39\\{email}[\|j]);{}$\2\6
 1327   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"\\n"});{}$\6
 1328   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1329   \4${}\}{}$\2\par
 1330   \U22.\fi
 1332   \M{29}Generating the preamble of output \TeX\ source code for the labels.
 1333   The physical outer of the Mini Digital Label dimensions are based on the inset
 1334   of TDK cassettes, with \PB{\\{flapheight}} of 14.5~mm (41.3~pt), spineheight of
 1335   12.5~mm (35.6~pt), \PB{\\{faceheight}} of 47~mm (133.7~pt), and \PB{%
 1336   \\{facewidth}} of
 1337   67~mm (190.6~pt), hence summing up to overall outer dimensions of
 1338   $190.6\times210.6$~pt of the label.
 1340   \Y\B\4\X29:Save preamble source code\X${}\E{}$\6
 1341   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1342   ${}\\{facewidth}\K\T{190.6}+\T{3.0}*\T{72.27}/\T{25.4};{}$\6
 1343   ${}\\{faceheight}\K\T{133.7};{}$\6
 1344   ${}\\{spineheight}\K\T{35.6};{}$\6
 1345   ${}\\{flapheight}\K\T{41.3};{}$\6
 1346   ${}\\{ifacewidth}\K\\{facewidth}-\T{14.0}*\\{linethickness};{}$\6
 1347   ${}\\{ifaceheight}\K\\{faceheight}-\T{11.0}*\\{linethickness}-\T{0.5}*%
 1348   \\{edgeseparation};{}$\6
 1349   ${}\\{ispineheight}\K\\{spineheight}-\T{8.0}*\\{linethickness}-%
 1350   \\{edgeseparation};{}$\6
 1351   ${}\\{iflapheight}\K\\{flapheight}-\T{11.0}*\\{linethickness}-\T{0.5}*%
 1352   \\{edgeseparation};{}$\6
 1353   \&{if} ${}(\R\\{outfile\_specified}){}$\1\5
 1354   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\%\%--------\ TEX\ CODE}\)\.{\ BEGINS\ HERE%
 1355   \ -------}\)\.{----------\\n"});{}$\2\6
 1356   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\%\%\ File:\ \%s.tex\\n"},\39%
 1357   \\{outputfilename});{}$\6
 1358   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\%\%\ TeX\ code\ generat}\)\.{ed\ by\ \%s,\
 1359   v.\%s,\ \%s"},\39\\{progname},\39\.{VERSION},\39\\{ctime}({\AND}\\{now}));{}$\6
 1360   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\%\%\ Copyright\ (C)\ Fr}\)\.{edrik\
 1361   Jonsson,\ 2003-}\)\.{2005\\n\%\%\\n"});{}$\6
 1362   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\hoffset=-35pt\\\\vo}\)\.{ffset=-25pt%
 1363   \\n"});{}$\6
 1364   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\hsize=175mm\\\\vsiz}\)\.{e=254mm%
 1365   \\n"});{}$\6
 1366   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\font\\\\eightcmssqe}\)\.{ight=cmssq8%
 1367   \\n"});{}$\6
 1368   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\font\\\\sevencmtt=c}\)\.{mtt7\\n"});{}$%
 1369   \6
 1370   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\font\\\\tencmssqten}\)\.{=cmssq8\ at\
 1371   10\ truept}\)\.{\\n"});{}$\6
 1372   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\font\\\\deffacefont}\)\.{=cmr7%
 1373   \\n"});{}$\6
 1374   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\font\\\\deftimestam}\)\.{pfont=cmtt8\
 1375   at\ 7\ tru}\)\.{ept\\n"});{}$\6
 1376   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\font\\\\defspinefon}\)\.{t=cmr9%
 1377   \\n"});{}$\6
 1378   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\font\\\\defflapfont}\)\.{=cmr7%
 1379   \\n"});{}$\6
 1380   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\def\\\\monthname\{\\\\}\)\.{ifcase%
 1381   \\\\month\%\%\\n"});{}$\6
 1382   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\ \\\\or\ Jan\\\\or\ Feb\\\\}\)\.{or\ Mar%
 1383   \\\\or\ Apr\\\\or\ M}\)\.{ay\\\\or\ Jun\%\%\\n"});{}$\6
 1384   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\ \\\\or\ Jul\\\\or\ Aug\\\\}\)\.{or\ Sep%
 1385   \\\\or\ Oct\\\\or\ N}\)\.{ov\\\\or\ Dec\%\%\\n"});{}$\6
 1386   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\ \\\\fi\}\\n"});{}$\6
 1387   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\def\\\\fullmonthnam}\)\.{e\{\\\\ifcase%
 1388   \\\\month\%\%\\}\)\.{n"});{}$\6
 1389   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\ \\\\or\ January\\\\or\ F}\)\.{ebruary%
 1390   \\\\or\ March\\\\o}\)\.{r\ April\%\%\\n"});{}$\6
 1391   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\ \\\\or\ May\\\\or\ June\\}\)\.{\\or\ July%
 1392   \\\\or\ August\\}\)\.{\\or\ September\\n"});{}$\6
 1393   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\ \\\\or\ October\\\\or\ N}\)\.{ovember%
 1394   \\\\or\ December}\)\.{\\\\fi\}\\n"});{}$\6
 1395   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\def\\\\today\{\\\\full}\)\.{monthname%
 1396   \\\\space\\\\nu}\)\.{mber\\\\day,\%\%\\n"});{}$\6
 1397   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\ \ \\\\space\\\\number\\\\}\)\.{year\}%
 1398   \\n"});{}$\6
 1399   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\def\\\\dvby\{Digital}\)\.{\ Video\ by%
 1400   \\\\\ \}\\n"});{}$\6
 1401   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\parindent\ 0pt\\n"});{}$\6
 1402   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\newdimen\\\\facewid}\)\.{th\\n"});{}$\6
 1403   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\newdimen\\\\facehei}\)\.{ght\\n"});{}$\6
 1404   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\newdimen\\\\spinehe}\)\.{ight\\n"});{}$%
 1405   \6
 1406   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\newdimen\\\\flaphei}\)\.{ght\\n"});{}$\6
 1407   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\newdimen\\\\linethi}\)\.{ck\\n"});{}$\6
 1408   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\newdimen\\\\spaceth}\)\.{ick\\n"});{}$\6
 1409   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\newdimen\\\\edgesep}\)\.{aration%
 1410   \\n"});{}$\6
 1411   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\newdimen\\\\cropthi}\)\.{ck\\n"});{}$\6
 1412   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\facewidth=\%1.3fpt}\)\.{\\n"},\39%
 1413   \\{facewidth});{}$\6
 1414   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\faceheight=\%1.3fp}\)\.{t\\n"},\39%
 1415   \\{faceheight});{}$\6
 1416   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\spineheight=\%1.3f}\)\.{pt\\n"},\39%
 1417   \\{spineheight});{}$\6
 1418   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\flapheight=\%1.3fp}\)\.{t\\n"},\39%
 1419   \\{flapheight});{}$\6
 1420   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\linethick=\%1.3fpt}\)\.{\\n"},\39%
 1421   \\{linethickness});{}$\6
 1422   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\spacethick=\%1.3fp}\)\.{t\\n"},\39%
 1423   \T{2.0}*\\{linethickness});{}$\6
 1424   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\edgeseparation=\%1}\)\.{.3fpt\\n"},\39%
 1425   \\{edgeseparation});{}$\6
 1426   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\cropthick=\%1.3fpt}\)\.{\\n"},\39%
 1427   \\{clthick});{}$\6
 1428   \&{if} (\\{headline})\5
 1429   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1430   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\headline=\{\\\\hfill}\)\.{\{\\\\tt\
 1431   dvlabel\ output}\)\.{"});{}$\6
 1432   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\ \%s"},\39\\{ctime}({\AND}\\{now}));{}$\6
 1433   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\ [\%s]\}\}\\n"},\39(\\{infile\_specified}%
 1434   \?\\{inputfilename}:\.{"stdin"}));{}$\6
 1435   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\footline=\{\\\\hfill}\)\.{\\\\folio%
 1436   \\\\hfill\}\\n"});{}$\6
 1437   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1438   \&{else}\5
 1439   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1440   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\headline=\{\\\\hfil\}}\)\.{\\n"});{}$\6
 1441   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\nopagenumbers\\n"});{}$\6
 1442   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1443   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\def\\\\boxit\#1\{\\\\vb}\)\.{ox\{%
 1444   \\\\hrule\ height\\\\l}\)\.{inethick\%\%\\n"});{}$\6
 1445   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\ \ \\\\hbox\{\\\\vrule\ wi}\)\.{dth%
 1446   \\\\linethick\\\\kern}\)\.{\\\\spacethick\%\%\\n"});{}$\6
 1447   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\ \ \\\\vbox\{\\\\kern\\\\sp}\)\.{acethick%
 1448   \#1\\\\kern\\\\sp}\)\.{acethick\}\%\%\\n"});{}$\6
 1449   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\ \ \\\\kern\\\\spacethic}\)\.{k\\\\vrule\
 1450   width\\\\line}\)\.{thick\}\%\%\\n"});{}$\6
 1451   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\ \ \\\\hrule\ height\\\\l}\)\.{inethick\}%
 1452   \}\%\%\\n"});{}$\6
 1453   \4${}\}{}$\2\par
 1454   \U5.\fi
 1456   \M{30}Generating the output \TeX\ source code for the labels.
 1458   \Y\B\4\X30:Save label source code\X${}\E{}$\6
 1459   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1460   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\def\\\\timestamp\{"});{}$\6
 1461   \&{for} ${}(\|j\K\T{0};{}$ ${}\\{timestamp}[\|j]\I\.{'\\n'};{}$ ${}\|j\PP){}$\1%
 1462   \5
 1463   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\%c"},\39\\{timestamp}[\|j]);{}$\2\6
 1464   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\}\%\%\\n"});{}$\6
 1465   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\def\\\\title\{"});{}$\6
 1466   \&{for} ${}(\|j\K\T{0};{}$ ${}\\{title}[\|j]\I\.{'\\n'};{}$ ${}\|j\PP){}$\1\5
 1467   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\%c"},\39\\{title}[\|j]);{}$\2\6
 1468   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\}\%\%\\n"});{}$\6
 1469   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\def\\\\author\{"});{}$\6
 1470   \&{for} ${}(\|j\K\T{0};{}$ ${}\\{author}[\|j]\I\.{'\\n'};{}$ ${}\|j\PP){}$\1\5
 1471   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\%c"},\39\\{author}[\|j]);{}$\2\6
 1472   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\}\%\%\\n"});{}$\6
 1473   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\def\\\\email\{"});{}$\6
 1474   \&{for} ${}(\|j\K\T{0};{}$ ${}\\{email}[\|j]\I\.{'\\n'};{}$ ${}\|j\PP){}$\1\5
 1475   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\%c"},\39\\{email}[\|j]);{}$\2\6
 1476   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\}\%\%\\n"});{}$\6
 1477   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\%\%\ Define\ the\ outli}\)\.{ne\ of\ the\
 1478   face\ of\ th}\)\.{e\ label\\n"});{}$\6
 1479   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\setbox1=\\\\hbox\ to}\)\.{\ \%1.3fpt\{%
 1480   \{\%\%\\n"},\39\\{ifacewidth});{}$\6
 1481   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\ \ \\\\vbox\ to\ \\\\faceh}\)\.{eight\{\%%
 1482   \%\\n"});{}$\6
 1483   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\ \ \ \ \\\\hbox\{\\\\deffac}\)\.{efont%
 1484   \\\\timestamp\\\\hf}\)\.{il\}\%\%\\n"});{}$\6
 1485   ${}\|n\K\T{0};{}$\6
 1486   \&{for} ${}(\|k\K\T{1};{}$ ${}\|k\Z\\{num\_toc\_lines};{}$ ${}\|k\PP){}$\5
 1487   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1488   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\ \ \ \ \\\\vskip\ -3pt\\\\h}\)\.{box\{%
 1489   \\\\deffacefont\ "});{}$\6
 1490   \&{for} ${}(\|j\K\|n;{}$ ${}\\{toc}[\|j]\I\.{'\\n'};{}$ ${}\|j\PP){}$\1\5
 1491   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\%c"},\39\\{toc}[\|j]);{}$\2\6
 1492   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\hfil\}\%\%\\n"});{}$\6
 1493   ${}\|n\K\|j+\T{1};{}$\6
 1494   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1495   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\ \ \\\\vfil\}\}\\\\hfil\}\%\%}\)\.{%
 1496   \\n"});{}$\6
 1497   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\%\%\ Define\ the\ outli}\)\.{ne\ of\ the\
 1498   spine\ of\ t}\)\.{he\ label\\n"});{}$\6
 1499   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\setbox2=\\\\hbox\ to}\)\.{\ \%1.3fpt\{%
 1500   \{\%\%\\n"},\39\\{ifacewidth});{}$\6
 1501   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\ \ \\\\vbox\ to\ \%1.3fpt}\)\.{\{\%\%%
 1502   \\n"},\39\\{ispineheight});{}$\6
 1503   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\ \ \ \ \\\\hbox\{\\\\deftim}\)%
 1504   \.{estampfont\\\\timestam}\)\.{p\\\\hfil\}\%\%\\n"});{}$\6
 1505   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\ \ \ \ \\\\hbox\{\\\\defspi}\)\.{nefont%
 1506   \\\\title\\\\hfil\}}\)\.{\%\%\\n"});{}$\6
 1507   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\ \ \\\\vfil\}\}\\\\hfil\}\%\%}\)\.{%
 1508   \\n"});{}$\6
 1509   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\%\%\ Define\ the\ outli}\)\.{ne\ of\ the\
 1510   flap\ of\ th}\)\.{e\ label\\n"});{}$\6
 1511   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\setbox3=\\\\hbox\ to}\)\.{\ \%1.3fpt\{%
 1512   \{\%\%\\n"},\39\\{ifacewidth});{}$\6
 1513   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\ \ \\\\vbox\ to\ \%1.3fpt}\)\.{\{\%\%%
 1514   \\n"},\39\\{iflapheight});{}$\6
 1515   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\ \ \ \ \\\\hbox\{\\\\deffla}\)\.{pfont%
 1516   \\\\dvby\\\\author\\}\)\.{\\hfil\}\%\%\\n"});{}$\6
 1517   ${}\|n\K\T{0};{}$\6
 1518   \&{for} ${}(\|k\K\T{1};{}$ ${}\|k\Z\\{num\_address\_lines};{}$ ${}\|k\PP){}$\5
 1519   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1520   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\ \ \ \ \\\\vskip\ -3pt\\\\h}\)\.{box\{%
 1521   \\\\defflapfont\ "});{}$\6
 1522   \&{for} ${}(\|j\K\|n;{}$ ${}\\{address}[\|j]\I\.{'\\n'};{}$ ${}\|j\PP){}$\1\5
 1523   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\%c"},\39\\{address}[\|j]);{}$\2\6
 1524   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\hfil\}\\n"});{}$\6
 1525   ${}\|n\K\|j+\T{1};{}$\6
 1526   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1527   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\ \ \ \ \\\\vskip\ -3pt\\\\h}\)\.{box\{%
 1528   \\\\defflapfont\\\\e}\)\.{mail\\\\hfil\}\%\%\\n"});{}$\6
 1529   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\ \ \\\\vfil\}\}\\\\hfil\}\%\%}\)\.{%
 1530   \\n"});{}$\6
 1531   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\def\\\\dvlabel\{\\\\hs}\)\.{kip%
 1532   \\\\linethick\\\\boxi}\)\.{t\{\%\%\\n"});{}$\6
 1533   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\ \ \\\\boxit\{\\\\box1\}\\\\}\)\.{vskip%
 1534   \\\\edgeseparatio}\)\.{n\%\%\\n"});{}$\6
 1535   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\ \ \\\\boxit\{\\\\box2\}\\\\}\)\.{vskip%
 1536   \\\\edgeseparatio}\)\.{n\%\%\\n"});{}$\6
 1537   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\ \ \\\\boxit\{\\\\box3\}\}\\}\)\.{\\hskip%
 1538   \\\\linethick\}\%\%}\)\.{\\n"});{}$\6
 1539   \&{if} ${}((\\{num\_labels}\E\T{1})\V(\\{num\_labels}\E\T{3})){}$\1\5
 1540   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\hskip\ \%1.3fpt"},\39(\T{20.0}));{}$\2\6
 1541   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\dvlabel\\n"});{}$\6
 1542   \&{if} ${}((\\{num\_labels}\E\T{2})\V(\\{num\_labels}\E\T{4})\V(\\{num\_labels}%
 1543   \E\T{6})){}$\5
 1544   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1545   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\par\\\\nointerlines}\)\.{kip\\n"});{}$\6
 1546   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1547   \4${}\}{}$\2\par
 1548   \U5.\fi
 1550   \M{31}Close one page of output, with each page containing \PB{\\{num\_labels%
 1551   \_per\_page}}
 1552   labels, and write any preamble for initialization of a new page to the output
 1553   stream.
 1555   \Y\B\4\X31:Close output page\X${}\E{}$\6
 1556   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1557   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\vfill\\\\eject\\n"});{}$\6
 1558   \4${}\}{}$\2\par
 1559   \Us5\ET34.\fi
 1561   \M{32}Before writing the first row of labels to the page output, save the
 1562   vertical
 1563   crop marks to be used as alignment marks in vertical cutting of the final
 1564   pages.
 1566   \Y\B\4\X32:Write vertical crop marks with width measure\X${}\E{}$\6
 1567   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1568   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\hskip\ \%1.3fpt\\\\vr}\)\.{ule\
 1569   height20pt\ width}\)\.{\%1.3fpt\%\%\\n"},\39\T{20.0}-\\{clthick}/\T{2.0},\39%
 1570   \\{clthick});{}$\6
 1571   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\hbox\ to\%1.3fpt\{\\\\}\)\.{hfil"},\39%
 1572   \\{facewidth}-\\{clthick});{}$\6
 1573   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\$\\\\matrix\{\{\%1.3f\{\\\\}\)\.{rm\\\\\
 1574   pt\}/\%1.3f\{\\\\rm\\}\)\.{\\\ mm\}\}"}\.{"\\\\cr\{\}\\\\cr\}\$\\\\hfil\}}\)\.{%
 1575   \%\%\\n"},\39\\{facewidth},\39\\{facewidth}*(\T{25.4}/\T{72.27}));{}$\6
 1576   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\vrule\ height20pt\ }\)\.{width\%1.3fpt%
 1577   \%\%\\n"},\39\\{clthick});{}$\6
 1578   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\hbox\ to\ \%1.3fpt\{\\}\)\.{\\hfil"},%
 1579   \39\\{facewidth}-\\{clthick});{}$\6
 1580   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\$\\\\matrix\{\{\%1.3f\{\\\\}\)\.{rm\\\\\
 1581   pt\}/\%1.3f\{\\\\rm\\}\)\.{\\\ mm\}\}"}\.{"\\\\cr\{\}\\\\cr\}\$\\\\hfil\}}\)\.{%
 1582   \%\%\\n"},\39\\{facewidth},\39\\{facewidth}*(\T{25.4}/\T{72.27}));{}$\6
 1583   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\vrule\ height20pt\ }\)\.{width\%1.3fpt%
 1584   \\\\par\\\\n}\)\.{ointerlineskip\\n"},\39\\{clthick});{}$\6
 1585   \4${}\}{}$\2\par
 1586   \Us5\ET34.\fi
 1588   \M{33}The following block is analogous to the previous one, but now instead
 1589   considering horizontal crop marks, to be used as alignment marks in
 1590   horizontal cutting of the final pages.
 1592   \Y\B\4\X33:Write horizontal crop marks with height measure\X${}\E{}$\6
 1593   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1594   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\vskip\\\\linethick\\}\)\.{n"});{}$\6
 1595   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\vrule\ height\%1.3f}\)\.{pt\
 1596   width20pt"},\39\\{clthick});{}$\6
 1597   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\hskip\ \%1.3fpt"},\39\T{2.0}*%
 1598   \\{facewidth});{}$\6
 1599   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\vrule\ height\%1.3f}\)\.{pt\ width20pt%
 1600   \\\\par\\\\n}\)\.{ointerlineskip\\n"},\39\\{clthick});{}$\6
 1601   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\vskip\\\\linethick\\}\)\.{n"});{}$\6
 1602   \4${}\}{}$\2\par
 1603   \Us5\ET34.\fi
 1605   \M{34}Generating the closing \TeX\ source code for the labels.
 1607   \Y\B\4\X34:Save closing source code\X${}\E{}$\6
 1608   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1609   \&{if} ${}((\\{num\_labels}\I\T{2})\W(\\{num\_labels}\I\T{4})){}$\5
 1610   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1611   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\par\\\\nointerlines}\)\.{kip\\n"});{}$\6
 1612   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1613   \&{if} ${}(\\{num\_labels}\I\\{num\_labels\_per\_page}){}$\5
 1614   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1615   \&{if} ${}(\\{num\_labels}\I\T{0}){}$\5
 1616   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1617   \&{if} (\\{generate\_crop\_marks})\5
 1618   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1619   \X33:Write horizontal crop marks with height measure\X\6
 1620   \X32:Write vertical crop marks with width measure\X\6
 1621   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1622   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1623   \X31:Close output page\X\6
 1624   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1625   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\\\\bye\\n"});{}$\6
 1626   \&{if} ${}(\R\\{outfile\_specified}){}$\1\5
 1627   ${}\\{fprintf}(\.{OUTSTREAM},\39\.{"\%\%--------\ TEX\ CODE}\)\.{\ ENDS\ HERE\
 1628   ---------}\)\.{--------\\n"});{}$\2\6
 1629   \4${}\}{}$\2\par
 1630   \U5.\fi
 1632   \M{35}Compiling the output \TeX\ source code. If the {\tt -c} or {\tt
 1633   --compile}
 1634   option was present at the command line during startup of \dvlabel, then
 1635   the program will make use of \DVIPS\ to compile the previously generated
 1636   \TeX\ source code into PostScript.
 1637   If the {\tt -c} or {\tt --compile} option is used together with a specified
 1638   output file (specified using the {\tt-o} or {\tt --outputfile} options),
 1639   then this output file will be compiled.
 1640   On the other hand, if the {\tt -c} or {\tt --compile} option is used while
 1641   the program should send the generated source to \PB{\\{stdout}}, then the
 1642   internally
 1643   stored lines of output will be compiled instead (hence eliminating the need
 1644   for a temporary file for the compilation).
 1646   \Y\B\4\X35:Compile source code\X${}\E{}$\6
 1647   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1648   \&{if} (\\{compile})\5
 1649   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1650   \&{if} (\\{verbose})\5
 1651   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1652   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"\%s:\ Compiling\ the\ T}\)\.{eX\ source\ code\
 1653   into\ }\)\.{PostScript.\\n"},\39\\{progname});{}$\6
 1654   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1655   \&{if} (\\{outfile\_specified})\5
 1656   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1657   \&{if} (\\{eps\_output})\5
 1658   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1659   ${}\\{sprintf}(\\{tmpstr},\39\.{"tex\ \%s;\ dvips\ \%s\ \%s}\)\.{\ -E\ -o\ %
 1660   \%s.eps"},\39\\{outputfilename},\39\\{dvipsopts},\39\\{outputfilename},\39%
 1661   \\{outputfilename});{}$\6
 1662   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1663   \&{else}\5
 1664   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1665   ${}\\{sprintf}(\\{tmpstr},\39\.{"tex\ \%s;\ dvips\ \%s\ \%s}\)\.{\ -o\ %
 1666   \"},\39\\{outputfilename},\39\\{dvipsopts},\39\\{outputfilename},\39%
 1667   \\{outputfilename});{}$\6
 1668   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1669   \\{system}(\\{tmpstr});\C{ System call to execute \PB{\\{tmpstr}} }\6
 1670   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1671   \&{else}\5
 1672   ${}\{{}$\1\6
 1673   ${}\\{fprintf}(\\{stdout},\39\.{"Compiling\ terminal\ }\)\.{output:\ Not\
 1674   implemen}\)\.{ted\ yet.\\n"});{}$\6
 1675   \\{exit}(\.{FAILURE});\6
 1676   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1677   \4${}\}{}$\2\6
 1678   \4${}\}{}$\2\par
 1679   \U5.\fi
 1681   \N{1}{36}Index.
 1682   \fi
 1684   \inx
 1685   \fin
 1686   \con

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Last modified Wednesday 15 Feb 2023