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Contents of file 'photoview.php':

    1   <?php
    3   function display_footer_banner($lang) {
    4     $revision="1.0"; // Current revision number of PhotoView
    5     $photoViewURL="";
    6     echo "<div class=\"clear\"></div>\n";
    7     echo "<p class=\"footerBanner\">\n";
    8     echo "  Site powered by <a href=\"$photoViewURL\">PhotoView $revision</a>\n";
    9     echo "</p>\n";
   10     return;
   11   }
   13   function display_copyright() {
   14     echo "<br />\n<span class=\"copyright\">";
   15     echo "Copyright &copy; 2006, Fredrik Jonsson";
   16     echo "</span>\n";
   17     return;
   18   }
   20   function get_filenames($directory) {
   21      // Open specified directory
   22      $dir = dir($directory);
   23      // Read the file names in specified directory into an array 'filenames'
   24      $k=1;
   25      while (($file = $dir->read()) !== false)
   26      {
   27         $filenames[$k] = $file;
   28         $k=$k+1;
   29      }
   30      $filenames[0]=$k-1; // This is the array size
   31      $dir->close();
   32      return $filenames;
   33   }
   35   function display_filenames($directory) {
   36      $filenames=get_filenames($directory);
   37      $kmax=$filenames[0];
   38      $k=1;
   39      while ($k <= $kmax) {
   40         echo $filenames[$k]."<br />";
   41         $k=$k+1;
   42      }
   43      return;
   44   }
   46   function get_image_filenames($directory,$suffix) {
   47      // Open specified directory
   48      $dir = dir($directory);
   49      // Read the file names in specified directory into an array 'filenames'
   50      $k=1;
   51      while (($file = $dir->read()) !== false)
   52      {
   53         //
   54         // The suffix comparison is performed as case insensitive, hence
   55         // for example ".png" as well as ".PNG" files are recognised.
   56         //
   57         if (stristr($file,".".trim($suffix))!="") {
   58            $filenames[$k] = $file;
   59            $k=$k+1;
   60         }
   61      }
   62      $filenames[0]=$k-1; // This is the array size
   63      $dir->close();      // Close the directory handle
   64      return $filenames;
   65   }
   67   function display_image_filenames($directory,$suffix) {
   68      $filenames=get_image_filenames($directory,$suffix);
   69      $kmax=$filenames[0];
   70      $k=1;
   71      while ($k <= $kmax) {
   72         echo $filenames[$k]."<br />";
   73         $k=$k+1;
   74      }
   75      return;
   76   }
   78   function is_directory($file) {
   79     if (@dir($file)!==false) {
   80       return true;
   81     } else {
   82       return false;
   83     }
   84   }
   86   //
   87   // The get_directorynames($directory) function scans for all sub-directories
   88   // present in the supplied directory name $directory, and returns the names
   89   // of the sub-directories as an array, with the length of the array given by
   90   // element [0]. The returned array of sub-directory names does not include the
   91   // current (".") or parent ("..") directories.
   92   //
   93   function get_directorynames($directory) {
   94      $filenames=get_filenames($directory);
   95      $kmax=$filenames[0];
   96      $j=1;
   97      $k=1;
   98      while ($k <= $kmax) {
   99         if (is_directory($filenames[$k])) {
  100            if (($filenames[$k]!==".")&&($filenames[$k]!=="..")) {
  101               $dirnames[$j]=$filenames[$k];
  102               $j++;
  103            }
  104         }
  105         $k++;
  106      }
  107      $dirnames[0]=$j-1;
  108      return $dirnames;
  109   }
  111   function display_directorynames($directory) {
  112      $dirnames=get_directorynames($directory);
  113      $kmax=$dirnames[0];
  114      $k=1;
  115      while ($k <= $kmax) {
  116         echo $dirnames[$k]."<br />";
  117         $k=$k+1;
  118      }
  119      return;
  120   }
  122   function display_title($directory) {
  123      if (file_exists($directory."/00-title.txt")) {
  124         if (is_readable($directory."/00-title.txt")) {
  125            $fp=fopen($directory."/00-title.txt",r);
  126            while (!feof($fp)) {
  127               echo trim(fgets($fp),"\n");
  128               fgetc($fp);
  129            }
  130            fclose($fp);
  131         } else {
  132            echo "Warning: display_title(): Page title text file "
  133                 .$directory."/00-title.txt"
  134                 ." exists but is not readable.<br />\n";
  135         }
  136      }
  137     return;
  138   }
  140   //
  141   // The display_parent_directory_switch($lang) function generates the (X)HTML
  142   // code for displaying a link for switching to the parent directory.
  143   //
  144   function display_parent_directory_switch($lang) {
  145     echo "<p class=\"directorySwitch\">\n";
  146     echo "<a href=\"../\">";
  147     switch ($lang) {
  148       case en:
  149         echo "Up one directory";
  150         break;
  151       case sv:
  152         echo "Upp en katalog";
  153         break;
  154       default:
  155         echo "PHP Error: Language switch \"".$lang."\" is not recognized!\n";
  156     }
  157     echo "</a>\n";
  158     echo "</p>\n";
  159     return;
  160   }
  162   function get_image_orientation($filename) {
  163     if (function_exists("exif_read_data")) {
  164       //
  165       // First, we try to extract EXIF information from the image file. This,
  166       // however, requires EXIF support from the compiled PHP server, which is
  167       // the reason why we first verify that the function exif_read_data()
  168       // exists in the first place.
  169       //
  170       $exif = exif_read_data($filename,0,true);
  171       $imageWidth=$exif['COMPUTED']['Width'];
  172       $imageHeight=$exif['COMPUTED']['Height'];
  173       if ($imageWidth<$imageHeight) {
  174         $imageOrientation="portrait";
  175       } else {
  176         $imageOrientation="landscape";
  177       }
  178     } else {
  179       //
  180       // As a resort if no EXIF support is provided by PHP, the check if the
  181       // filename contains the string "landscape" or "portrait".
  182       //
  183       if (stristr($filename,"landscape")!="") {
  184         $imageOrientation="landscape";
  185       } else if (stristr($filename,"portrait")!="") {
  186         $imageOrientation="portrait";
  187       } else {
  188         $imageOrientation="landscape";
  189       }
  190     }
  191     return $imageOrientation;
  192   }
  194   function display_slide_frame($k,$imgfilenames,$lang) {
  195     $viewFileName=false;
  196     $viewFileDate=true;
  197     $verboseFileName=true;
  198     $verboseFileDate=false;
  199     echo "<div class=\"slide\">\n";
  200     echo "  <div class=\"slide-shadow\">\n";
  201     echo "  <div>\n";
  202     echo "    <div class=\"slideFrame\">\n";
  203     echo "    <a href=\"?view=slideshow&amp;id=".$k."&amp;lang=".$lang."\">\n";
  204     echo "      <img src=\"00-thumbs/".$imgfilenames[$k]."\"";
  205     if (get_image_orientation("00-lores/".$imgfilenames[$k])=="portrait") {
  206       echo " class=\"portrait\"";
  207     } else {
  208       echo " class=\"landscape\"";
  209     }
  210     echo " alt=\"".$imgfilenames[$k]."\" />\n";
  211     echo "    </a>\n";
  212     //
  213     // Check if the boolean parameter $viewFileDate is set to true; if so,
  214     // then add the date of last modification of the image file to the
  215     // information displayed in the caption.
  216     //
  217     if ($viewFileDate) {
  218        echo "      <p>"
  219           .($verboseFileDate?"Date: ":"")
  220           ."[".gmdate('d M Y',getlastmod($imgfilenames[$k]))."]"
  221           ."</p>\n";
  222     }
  223     //
  224     // Check if the boolean parameter $viewFileName is set to true; if so,
  225     // then add the name of the file of the image.
  226     //
  227     if ($viewFileName) {
  228        echo "    <p>"
  229           .($verboseFileName?"File: ":"")
  230           .$imgfilenames[$k]
  231           ."</p>\n";
  232     }
  233     echo "    </div> <!-- end of slideFrame div -->\n";
  234     echo "  </div>\n";
  235     echo "  </div> <!-- end of slideShadow div -->\n";
  236     echo "</div> <!-- end of slide div -->\n";
  237     return;
  238   }
  240   function display_contact_sheet($directory,$lang,$suffix) {
  241     // Get the names of the subdirectories of $directory
  242     // display_directorynames($directory);
  243     // $dirs=get_directorynames($directory);
  244     //
  245     // Define the level of details to be displayed in description of image files
  246     //
  247     $viewCaption=true;
  248     //
  249     // Check if a file named "00-title.txt" exists in the supplied directory.
  250     // If so, then the text contained in "00-title.txt" will be used as header
  251     // at <h2> level for the displayed page.
  252     //
  253     echo "<h2>";
  254     display_title($directory);
  255     echo "</h2>\n";
  256     display_parent_directory_switch($lang);
  258     //
  259     // Scan the supplied directory for images of the format as specified by
  260     // the supplied filename suffix ($suffix) and iterate the following
  261     // (X)HTML-generating loop over all images found.
  262     //
  263     $imgfilenames=get_image_filenames($directory."/00-thumbs/",$suffix);
  264     $kmax=$imgfilenames[0]; // $kmax is the total number of images found of the
  265                             // type specified by $suffix.
  266     $k=1;
  267     while ($k <= $kmax) {
  268       //
  269       // The base name of any file is here taken as the entire character
  270       // string preceding the last period (.); hence the file name may
  271       // include an arbitrary number of periods without causing problems.
  272       // The $basefilenames array contains all base names of the image files
  273       // found in the supplied directory.
  274       //
  275       $basefilenames[$k]=substr($imgfilenames[$k],0,
  276          strrpos($imgfilenames[$k],"."));
  277       display_slide_frame($k,$imgfilenames,$lang);
  279   //      echo "  <p>\n";
  280   //      echo "    <b>Image ".$k.".</b>\n";
  281   //      //
  282   //      // For each PNG file found, or equivalently every base name in the
  283   //      // $basenames array, we check if there is a text file with the same
  284   //      // base name but with the suffix ".txt" located in the "00-captions"
  285   //      // sub-folder. If the boolean parameter $viewCaption is set to true,
  286   //      // the contents of the text file corresponding to the PNG image will
  287   //      // be used as caption. In this, the text in the file needs to be
  288   //      // pre-formatted as HTML-conforming text, in particular concerning
  289   //      // any special characters which may be present, such as for example
  290   //      // "&aring;", "&auml;" and "&ouml;".
  291   //      //
  292   //      if ($viewCaption) {
  293   //         $textfilenames[$k]="00-captions/".$basefilenames[$k].".txt";
  294   //         if (file_exists($textfilenames[$k])) {
  295   //            if (is_readable($textfilenames[$k])) {
  296   //               $fp=fopen($textfilenames[$k],r);
  297   //               echo "    <span class=\"imageCaption\">\n";
  298   //               while (!feof($fp)) {
  299   //                  echo "    ".fgets($fp);
  300   //               }
  301   //               echo "</span>\n";
  302   //               fclose($fp);
  303   //            } else {
  304   //               echo "Warning: Caption text file ".$textfilenames[$k].
  305   //                    " exists but is not readable.<br />\n";
  306   //            }
  307   //         }
  308   //      }
  309   //      echo "  </p>\n";
  310       $k=$k+1;
  311   //    echo "</div>\n";
  312     }
  313     display_footer_banner($lang);
  314     return;
  315   }
  317   function get_suffix($filename) {
  318     $suffix=strrchr($filename,"."); // Get last substring preceded by a period
  319     $suffix=trim($suffix,"."); // Remove the period preceding the suffix
  320     return $suffix;
  321   }
  323   function display_exif_data($filename) {
  324     //
  325     // Define which parameters to display: 'true'=display; 'false'=do not display
  326     //
  327     $displayDateOfExposure=true;   // Display original date of exposure
  328     $displayExposureData=true;     // Display shutter speed and f-number used
  329     $displayCameraMakeModel=false; // Display make and model of camera used
  331     //
  332     // Read any EXIF data encoded in the image, using the built-in PHP function
  333     // as described at This requires a PHP
  334     // version above 4.20, and also that the EXIF extension was included in the
  335     // compilation. Hence, the following block of code starts with a verification
  336     // that the function exif_read_data() is available in the first place;
  337     // otherwise the EXIF extraction is ignored.
  338     //
  339     if (function_exists("exif_read_data")) {
  340       $exif = exif_read_data($filename,0,true);
  341       //========================================================================
  342       // In order to display the entire set of EXIF data encoded in the image
  343       // file, uncomment the following block:
  344       //     foreach ($exif as $key => $section) {
  345       //       foreach ($section as $name => $val) {
  346       //         echo "$key.$name: $val<br />\n";
  347       //       }
  348       //     }
  349       //========================================================================
  350       $cameraMake=$exif['IFD0']['Make'];
  351       $cameraModel=$exif['IFD0']['Model'];
  352       $originalExposureTimeStamp=$exif['EXIF']['DateTimeOriginal'];
  353       $originalExposureTimeStamp=explode(":",$originalExposureTimeStamp);
  354       $originalExposureYear=$originalExposureTimeStamp[0];
  355       $originalExposureMonth=$originalExposureTimeStamp[1];
  356       $originalExposureDateHour=explode(" ",$originalExposureTimeStamp[2]);
  357       $originalExposureDate=$originalExposureDateHour[0];
  358       $originalExposureHour=$originalExposureDateHour[1];
  359       $originalExposureMinute=$originalExposureTimeStamp[3];
  360       $originalExposureSecond=$originalExposureTimeStamp[4];
  361       $originalExposureTimeStamp=strtotime("$originalExposureMonth/"
  362          ."$originalExposureDate/$originalExposureYear");
  363       $originalExposureTimeStamp=date('d F Y',$originalExposureTimeStamp);
  364       $exposureTime=$exif['EXIF']['ExposureTime'];
  365       $apertureFNumber=$exif['COMPUTED']['ApertureFNumber'];
  366       echo "    <span class=\"EXIFData\">";
  367       if ($displayDateOfExposure==true)
  368           echo "Date: $originalExposureTimeStamp. ";
  369       if ($displayExposureData==true)
  370           echo "Exposure: $exposureTime s, $apertureFNumber. ";
  371       if ($displayCameraMakeModel==true)
  372           echo "Camera: $cameraMake $cameraModel. ";
  373       echo "</span>\n";
  374     }
  375     return;
  376   }
  378   function display_main_image($id,$imgfilenames,$lang) {
  379     //
  380     // Define the level of details to be displayed in description of image files
  381     //
  382     $viewCaption=true;
  383     $viewFileName=false;
  384     $viewFileDate=true;
  385     $verboseFileName=true;
  386     $verboseFileDate=false;
  387     $displayExifData=true;   // Display EXIF data extracted from the image file.
  388     $displayCopyright=true;  // Display copyright info in the caption.
  390     $image_orientation=get_image_orientation("00-lores/".$imgfilenames[$id]);
  391     echo "<div class=\"mainImage\">\n";
  392     if ($image_orientation=="portrait") {
  393       echo "  <div class=\"img-wrapper-portrait\">\n";
  394     } else {
  395       echo "  <div class=\"img-wrapper\">\n";
  396     }
  397     echo "  <div>\n"
  398         ."    <img src=\"00-lores/".$imgfilenames[$id]."\"";
  399     if ($image_orientation=="portrait") {
  400       echo " class=\"portrait\"";
  401     } else {
  402       echo " class=\"landscape\"";
  403     }
  404     echo " alt=\"".$imgfilenames[$id]."\" />"
  405         ."\n"
  406         ."  </div>\n"
  407         ."  </div>\n";
  408   //  echo "  <div class=\"clear\"></div>\n";
  409     echo "  <p>\n";
  410     echo "    <b>Image ".$id." of ".$imgfilenames[0].".</b>\n";
  412     if ($viewCaption) {
  413       $suffix=get_suffix($imgfilenames[$id]);
  414       $textfilenames[$id]="00-captions/"
  415          .trim($imgfilenames[$id],".".trim($suffix)).".txt";
  416       if (file_exists($textfilenames[$id])) {
  417         if (is_readable($textfilenames[$id])) {
  418           $fp=fopen($textfilenames[$id],r);
  419           echo "    <span class=\"imageCaption\">\n";
  420           while (!feof($fp)) {
  421             echo "    ".fgets($fp);
  422           }
  423           echo "</span>\n";
  424           fclose($fp);
  425         } else {
  426           echo "Warning: Caption text file ".$textfilenames[$id].
  427                " exists but is not readable.<br />\n";
  428         }
  429       }
  430       if ($displayExifData==true)
  431         display_exif_data("00-hires/".$imgfilenames[$id]);
  432       if ($displayCopyright==true)
  433         display_copyright();
  434     }
  435     echo "  </p>\n";
  436     echo "</div><!-- End of mainImage div -->\n";
  437     echo "<div class=\"clear\"></div>\n";
  438     return;
  439   }
  441   function display_previous_image($id,$imgfilenames,$lang) {
  442     echo "<div class=\"previousImage\">\n";
  443     echo "  <div class=\"slide\">\n";
  444     echo "  <div class=\"slide-shadow\">\n";
  445     echo "  <div>\n";
  446     echo "    <div class=\"slideFrame\">\n";
  447     echo "    <a href=\"?view=slideshow&amp;id=".($id-1)."&amp;lang=".$lang."\">\n";
  448     echo "      <img src=\"00-thumbs/".$imgfilenames[$id-1]."\"";
  449     if (get_image_orientation("00-thumbs/".$imgfilenames[$id-1])=="portrait") {
  450       echo " class=\"portrait\"";
  451     } else {
  452       echo " class=\"landscape\"";
  453     }
  454     echo " alt=\"".$imgfilenames[$id-1]."\" />\n";
  455     echo "    </a>\n";
  456     echo "      <p>".($id-1)." (".$imgfilenames[0].")</p>\n";
  457     echo "    </div>\n";
  458     echo "  </div>\n";
  459     echo "  </div>\n";
  460     echo "  <div class=\"clear\"></div>\n";
  461     echo "  <p class=\"backwardLink\">";
  462     echo "<a href=\"?view=slideshow&amp;id=".($id-1)."&amp;lang=".$lang."\"><b>";
  463     switch ($lang) {
  464       case en:
  465         echo "Previous image";
  466         break;
  467       case sv:
  468         echo "F&ouml;reg&aring;ende bild";
  469         break;
  470       default:
  471         echo "PHP Error: Language switch \"".$lang."\" is not recognized!\n";
  472     }
  473     echo "</b></a>";
  474     echo "</p>\n";
  475     echo "  </div>\n";
  476     echo "</div>\n";
  477     return;
  478   }
  480   function display_next_image($id,$imgfilenames,$lang) {
  481     echo "<div class=\"nextImage\">\n";
  482     echo "  <div class=\"slide\">\n";
  483     echo "  <div class=\"slide-shadow\">\n";
  484     echo "  <div>\n";
  485     echo "    <div class=\"slideFrame\">\n";
  486     echo "    <a href=\"?view=slideshow&amp;id=".($id+1)."&amp;lang=".$lang."\">\n";
  487     echo "      <img src=\"00-thumbs/".$imgfilenames[$id+1]."\"";
  488     if (get_image_orientation("00-thumbs/".$imgfilenames[$id+1])=="portrait") {
  489       echo " class=\"portrait\"";
  490     } else {
  491       echo " class=\"landscape\"";
  492     }
  493     echo " alt=\"".$imgfilenames[$id+1]."\" />\n";
  494     echo "    </a>\n";
  495     echo "      <p>".($id+1)." (".$imgfilenames[0].")</p>\n";
  496     echo "    </div>\n";
  497     echo "  </div>\n";
  498     echo "  </div>\n";
  499     echo "  <div class=\"clear\"></div>\n";
  500     echo "  <p class=\"forwardLink\">";
  501     echo "<a href=\"?view=slideshow&amp;id=".($id+1)."&amp;lang=".$lang."\"><b>";
  502     switch ($lang) {
  503       case en:
  504         echo "Next image";
  505         break;
  506       case sv:
  507         echo "N&auml;sta bild";
  508         break;
  509       default:
  510         echo "PHP Error: Language switch \"".$lang."\" is not recognized!\n";
  511     }
  512     echo "</b></a>";
  513     echo "</p>\n";
  514     echo "  </div>\n";
  515     echo "</div>\n";
  516     return;
  517   }
  519   function contact_sheet_switch($lang) {
  520     echo "<div id=\"contactSheetSwitch\">\n";
  521     echo "  <p><a href=\"?view=contact&amp;lang=".$lang."\">";
  522     switch ($lang) {
  523       case en:
  524         echo "  View contact sheet";
  525         break;
  526       case sv:
  527         echo "  Visa kontaktkarta";
  528         break;
  529       default:
  530         echo "PHP Error: Language switch \"".$lang."\" is not recognized!\n";
  531     }
  532     echo "  </a></p>\n";
  533     echo "</div>\n";
  534     return;
  535   }
  537   function display_slideshow($directory,$id,$lang,$suffix) {
  538     $display_title=true;
  539     //
  540     // Check if a file named "00-title.txt" exists in the supplied directory.
  541     // If so, then the text contained in "00-title.txt" will be used as header
  542     // at <h2> level for the displayed page.
  543     //
  544     if ($display_title==true) {
  545       echo "<h2>";
  546       display_title($directory);
  547       echo "</h2>\n";
  548     }
  549     contact_sheet_switch($lang);
  550     display_parent_directory_switch($lang);
  552     //
  553     // Scan the supplied directory for PNG images and display the actual
  554     // image with number as supplied as argument to the routine; also display
  555     // any preceding and/or succeding images. [Q: CORRECT LANGUAGE?]
  556     //
  557     $imgfilenames=get_image_filenames($directory."/00-thumbs/",$suffix);
  558     $kmax=$imgfilenames[0]; // This is the total number of images found
  559     $k=1;
  560     while ($k <= $kmax) {
  561       //
  562       // The base name of any file is here taken as the entire character
  563       // string preceding the last period (.); hence the file name may
  564       // include an arbitrary number of periods without causing problems.
  565       // The $basefilenames array contains all base names of the image files
  566       // found in the supplied directory.
  567       //
  568       $basefilenames[$k]=substr($imgfilenames[$k],0,
  569         strrpos($imgfilenames[$k],"."));
  570   //      echo "<div class=\"contactSheetImage\">\n";
  571   //      echo "  <div class=\"slide-shadow\">\n"
  572   //          ."    <a href=\"?view=slideshow&amp;id=".$k."\">"
  573   //          ."<img src=\"00-thumbs/".$imgfilenames[$k]."\""
  574   //          ." alt=\"".$basefilenames[$k]."\">"
  575   //          ."</a>\n"
  576   //          ."  </div>\n";
  577   //      echo "  <p>\n";
  578   //      echo "    <b>Image ".$k.".</b>\n";
  579         //
  580         // For each PNG file found, or equivalently every base name in the
  581         // $basenames array, we check if there is a text file with the same
  582         // base name but with the suffix ".txt" located in the "00-captions"
  583         // sub-folder. If the boolean parameter $viewCaption is set to true,
  584         // the contents of the text file corresponding to the PNG image will
  585         // be used as caption. In this, the text in the file needs to be
  586         // pre-formatted as HTML-conforming text, in particular concerning
  587         // any special characters which may be present, such as for example
  588         // "&aring;", "&auml;" and "&ouml;".
  589         //
  590   //      if ($viewCaption) {
  591   //         $textfilenames[$k]="00-captions/".$basefilenames[$k].".txt";
  592   //         if (file_exists($textfilenames[$k])) {
  593   //            if (is_readable($textfilenames[$k])) {
  594   //               $fp=fopen($textfilenames[$k],r);
  595   //               echo "    <span class=\"imageCaption\">\n";
  596   //               while (!feof($fp)) {
  597   //                  echo "    ".fgets($fp);
  598   //               }
  599   //               echo "</span>\n";
  600   //               fclose($fp);
  601   //            } else {
  602   //               echo "Warning: Caption text file ".$textfilenames[$k].
  603   //                    " exists but is not readable.<br />\n";
  604   //            }
  605   //         }
  606   //      }
  607         //
  608         // Check if the boolean parameter $viewFileDate is set to true; if so,
  609         // then add the date of last modification of the image file to the
  610         // information displayed in the caption.
  611         //
  612   //      if ($viewFileDate) {
  613   //         echo "    <span class=\"imageFileDate\">"
  614   //            .($verboseFileDate?"Date: ":"")
  615   //            ."[".gmdate('d M Y',getlastmod($imgfilenames[$k]))."]"
  616   //            ."</span>\n";
  617   //      }
  618         //
  619         // Check if the boolean parameter $viewFileName is set to true; if so,
  620         // then add the name of the file of the PNG image.
  621         //
  622   //      if ($viewFileName) {
  623   //         echo "    <span class=\"imageFileName\">"
  624   //            .($verboseFileName?"File: ":"")
  625   //            .$imgfilenames[$k]
  626   //            ."</span>\n";
  627   //      }
  628   //      echo "  </p>\n";
  629         $k=$k+1;
  630   //      echo "</div>\n";
  631     }
  633     if ((1<=$id)&&($id<=$kmax)) {
  634       if (1<$id) display_previous_image($id,$imgfilenames,$lang);
  635       if ($id<$kmax) display_next_image($id,$imgfilenames,$lang);
  636       display_main_image($id,$imgfilenames,$lang);
  637     }
  638   //    echo "<div class=\"clear\"></div>\n";
  639   //  display_footer_banner($lang);
  640     return;
  641   }
  643   //
  644   // The image_directories_exist($directory) function scans the supplied
  645   // directory for sub-directories named '00-thumbs', '00-lores' and
  646   // '00-hires'. If these three sub-directories all are found to exist
  647   // within the directory specified by the string $directory, then 'true'
  648   // is returned; otherwise 'false' is returned.
  649   //
  650   function image_directories_exist($directory) {
  651     $subdirs=get_directorynames($directory);
  652     $thumbs_dir_exist=false;
  653     $lores_dir_exist=false;
  654     $hires_dir_exist=false;
  655     for ($i=1; $i<=$subdirs[0]; $i++) {
  656       if (!strcmp(trim($subdirs[$i]),"00-thumbs")) $thumbs_dir_exist=true;
  657       if (!strcmp(trim($subdirs[$i]),"00-lores")) $lores_dir_exist=true;
  658       if (!strcmp(trim($subdirs[$i]),"00-hires")) $hires_dir_exist=true;
  659     }
  660     if (($thumbs_dir_exist)&&($lores_dir_exist)&&($hires_dir_exist)) {
  661       return true;
  662     } else {
  663       return false;
  664     }
  665   }
  667   function display_catalogue_banner($directory,$lang,$suffix) {
  668     $txtfile=trim($directory)."/00-title.txt";
  669     $imgfile=trim($directory)."/00-title.jpg";
  670     if (file_exists($txtfile)&&file_exists($imgfile)) {
  671       echo "<div class=\"catalogueBanner\">\n";
  672       echo "  <div class=\"img-wrapper\">\n";
  673       echo "    <div>\n";
  674       echo "    <a href=\"./$directory/\">\n";
  675       echo "    <img src=\"$imgfile\" alt=\"$directory\" />\n";
  676       echo "    </a>\n";
  677       echo "    </div>\n";
  678       echo "  </div>\n";
  679       echo "  <p>";
  680       display_title($directory);
  681     $imgfilenames=get_image_filenames($directory."/00-thumbs/",$suffix);
  682     $kmax=$imgfilenames[0]; // This is the total number of images found
  684       echo " [$kmax images]\n";
  685       echo "</p>\n";
  686       echo "</div>\n";
  687     }
  688     return $kmax;
  689   }
  691   function display_catalogue_overview($directory,$lang,$suffix) {
  692     display_parent_directory_switch($lang);
  693     // Get the names of the subdirectories of $directory
  694     $subdirs=get_directorynames($directory);
  695     $nn=0;
  696     for ($i=1; $i<=$subdirs[0]; $i++) {
  697       $nn=$nn+display_catalogue_banner(trim($subdirs[$i]),$lang,$suffix);
  698     }
  699     echo "<div class=\"clear\"></div>\n";
  700     return;
  701   }
  703   function photoview($directory,$lang,$suffix) {
  704     $lang=$_GET["lang"];     // Extract any specification of language to use
  705     if ($lang=="") $lang=en; // If no specification, use English as default
  706     $view=$_GET["view"];     // Extract any specification of view to apply
  707     $id=$_GET["id"];         // Extract any specification of which image to view
  708     echo "<div id=\"photoview\"> ";
  709     echo "<!-- Beginning of (X)HTML automatically generated by PhotoView -->\n";
  711     //
  712     // Before considering any statements supplied as parameters to the photoview
  713     // script regarding mode of viewing, we perform a simple check to see if any
  714     // directories named according to the conventions exist. If not, then simply
  715     // ignore any view mode specification and instead go for a directory overview
  716     // mode, displaying title images of sub-directories.
  717     //
  718     if (!image_directories_exist($directory)) {
  719       display_catalogue_overview($directory,$lang,$suffix);
  720     } else {
  721       switch ($view) {
  722         case contact:
  723           display_contact_sheet($directory,$lang,$suffix);
  724           break;
  725         case slideshow:
  726           display_slideshow($directory,$id,$lang,$suffix);
  727           break;
  728         default:
  729           display_contact_sheet($directory,$lang,$suffix);
  730       }
  731     }
  732     echo "</div> ";
  733     echo "<!-- End of (X)HTML automatically generated by PhotoView -->\n";
  734     return;
  735   }
  737   ?>

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Last modified Wednesday 15 Feb 2023