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Contents of file 'styleswitch.php':

    1   <?php
    2   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3   // File:         index.php [PHP code]
    4   // Created:      17/10/2006
    5   // Last change:  1/02/2009
    6   // Author:       Fredrik Jonsson <>
    7   //
    8   // This PHP script is used for dynamically switching between CSS stylesheets
    9   // determining the layout and typography of web pages. In this case, four
   10   // different avaible layouts are assumed. The style to use is controlled by
   11   // cookies set by the script, and the choice of which cookie to set is in
   12   // turn controlled by parameters supplied to the script. The script is to be
   13   // called using the following syntax, here supposing that the script has been
   14   // placed in a catalogue /switch/ in the root directory on the server:
   15   //
   16   //[?layout=jonssona|jonssonb|jonssonc|jonssond]
   17   //
   18   // In plain words, this syntax provides the following actions:
   19   //
   20   //    1. If no parameters are passed at all, then the script will check if
   21   //       a layout cookie already has been set. If a cookie has been set,
   22   //       then the next available layout will be set instead (i.e. next cookie
   23   //       in the list contained by the array 'cssdesign' in the code below),
   24   //       in a cyclic fashion (i.e. after the last available layout, the first
   25   //       one will be set).
   26   //
   27   //    2. If no parameter has been supplied AND no previously set cookie has
   28   //       been found, then the first cookie in the line will be set. This
   29   //       does not necessarily have to be the default one, as this is set
   30   //       independently of the order of the available layouts.
   31   //
   32   //    3. If a layout parameter (i.e. 'jonssona', 'jonssonb', 'jonssonc', or
   33   //       'jonssond') has been supplied to the script, then the corresponding
   34   //       cookie will be set. In the case of an illegal supplied parameter,
   35   //       the default cookie will instead be set.
   36   //
   37   //    4. After the cookie has been set (or, rather attempt to set a cookie),
   38   //       the client browser will automatically be redirected to the previous
   39   //       page, hence providing a 'transparent' way of changing the layout.
   40   //
   41   //    5. If the script is run on an Microsoft IIS server, then the client
   42   //       browser will be redirected to an ASP script (index.asp) instead,
   43   //       prior to any actions or attempts by the PHP script to set a cookie.
   44   //       The reason is that PHP run on IIS causes problems in redirects via
   45   //       headers, a common problem which is well documented on the internet
   46   //       but with cumbersome solutions. The ASP script is similar to the PHP
   47   //       script, but runs in a somewhat more native fashion on Microsoft
   48   //       servers. In any case, the client browser will not notice this
   49   //       redirect, as the referring page is supplied to the ASP script as
   50   //       well, providing the way back to the page where the style switching
   51   //       originated.
   52   //
   53   // Notice that if cookies are not possible to set, for example if the client
   54   // browser has diabled cookies, then the corresponding code in the page header
   55   // will apply the default design. Notice that this case requires action from
   56   // a script external of the one as implemented in this file.
   57   //
   58   // Copyright (C) 2006-2007 under Gnu General Public License, Fredrik Jonsson
   59   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   61   //
   62   // Define the values of the cookies corresponding to the four different CSS
   63   // designs. Here the values of the cookies are very simple, with 'jonssona'
   64   // corresponding to the design contained in file 'jonssona.css' etc.
   65   //
   66   $cssdesign[1]="jonssona";
   67   $cssdesign[2]="jonssonb";
   68   $cssdesign[3]="jonssonc";
   69   $cssdesign[4]="jonssond";
   70   $cssdesign[5]="jonssone";
   71   $cssdesign[6]="unstyled";
   72   $defaultDesign=$cssdesign[4]; // Points out the default CSS design to use
   74   //
   75   // Get the referring page (if any) and any explicitly supplied layout. If
   76   // no referring page exist, then use the root of the web server directory
   77   // for the final redirection.
   78   //
   79   $ref=(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']))?$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']
   80     :"http://{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}/";
   81   $layout=$_GET["layout"];
   83   //
   84   // If we are running IIS at the server side, then immediately redirect and
   85   // instead use the similar ASP script for switching of CSS stylesheets. In
   86   // this case, any referring page will be supplied to the ASP script as a
   87   // parameter 'ref'.
   88   //
   89   $platform=$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'];
   90   if (strpos($platform,"Microsoft")!==false) {
   91     if (strpos($platform,"IIS")!==false) {
   92       //
   93       // Comment: "Referer" is a common misspelling of the word "referrer."
   94       // It is so common, in fact, that it made it into the official
   95       // specification of HTTP - the communication protocol of the World
   96       // Wide Web - and has therefore become the standard industry spelling
   97       // when discussing HTTP referers.
   98       //
   99       if (($layout)=="") { // If no CSS layout was specified as input parameter
  100         header("Location: index.asp?ref=$ref"); // Redirect to ASP script
  101       } else { // If a CSS layout actually WAS specified as input parameter
  102         header("Location: index.asp?ref=$ref&layout=$layout");
  103       }
  104       exit();
  105     }
  106   }
  108   //
  109   // If we get to this point, the server platform is something else than
  110   // Microsoft IIS (e.g. Apache), and the steps listed in the description
  111   // of the script will be executed.
  112   //
  113   if (($layout)=="") { // If no layout was explicitly supplied ...
  114     if (isset($_COOKIE['layout'])) {  // .. then cycle the available layouts.
  115       if ($_COOKIE['layout']==$cssdesign[1]) {
  116         $layout=$cssdesign[2];
  117       } elseif ($_COOKIE['layout']==$cssdesign[2]) {
  118         $layout=$cssdesign[3];
  119       } elseif ($_COOKIE['layout']==$cssdesign[3]) {
  120         $layout=$cssdesign[4];
  121       } elseif ($_COOKIE['layout']==$cssdesign[4]) {
  122         $layout=$cssdesign[5];
  123       } elseif ($_COOKIE['layout']==$cssdesign[5]) {
  124         $layout=$cssdesign[1];
  125       } else { // If corrupt layout specification, resort to default
  126         $layout=$defaultDesign;
  127       }
  128     } else { // If no layout supplied and no cookie set, choose design in line...
  129       $layout=$cssdesign[1];
  130     }
  131   } else { // If a layout was suppplied to the script
  132     if (trim($layout)=="jonssona") {
  133       $layout=$cssdesign[1];
  134     } elseif (trim($layout)=="jonssonb") {
  135       $layout=$cssdesign[2];
  136     } elseif (trim($layout)=="jonssonc") {
  137       $layout=$cssdesign[3];
  138     } elseif (trim($layout)=="jonssond") {
  139       $layout=$cssdesign[4];
  140     } elseif (trim($layout)=="jonssone") {
  141       $layout=$cssdesign[5];
  142     } elseif (trim($layout)=="unstyled") {
  143       $layout=$cssdesign[6];
  144     } else {
  145       $layout=$defaultDesign;
  146     }
  147   }
  149   setcookie("layout",$layout,time()+24*3600,"/"); // 24 hour lifetime of cookie
  150   header("Location: $ref"); // Redirect back to referring page (or root).
  151   ?>

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